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Grand Bargaining No, Rethinking Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes Many weeks ago, I all but completed a reply to the critique that George McKenna published in the Human Life Review of “Beyond the Stalemate,” my June 21 Commonweal article, on...
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Our COMPLETE Index! 1975 through Current Issue!

  Researching? Curious? Want more information on a life topic? Chances are, we have covered it. Download our multiple-tab Excel complete index with all Human Life Review articles sorted chronologically, by author,...
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Good Samaritan for Life

In 2014, we will mark the 40th anniversary of J.P. McFadden’s founding of the Human Life Review. He was inspired by the story of the Good Samaritan. Our goal in the coming year is to boost our loyal subscriber base...
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