Leave a lasting Legacy for Life when you join

the Defender of Life Society.

The Defender of Life Society is the friends of the Human Life Review who have established a bequest or planned gift for the Human Life Foundation. Learn more about the Defender of Life Society by clicking here.


The Human Life Foundation graciously thanks the members of the Defender of Life Society:

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bean

Mr. Robert G. Bradley

Miss Martha Brunyansky

B G Carter

Miss Barbara Ann Connell

Mr. Patrick Gorman

Captain Michael Hayes, USN Ret.

Ms. Mari Lou Hernandez

Mr. Paul Kissinger

Rev. Kazimierz Kowalski

Ms. Eileen M. Mahoney

Dr. Michael McKeever

Rev. Myles Murphy

Mrs. Elizabeth G. O’Toole

Rev. Robert L. Roedig 

The individuals listed above have remembered the Human Life Foundation in their estate plans.


Many Ways to Help

  • Do you have an IRA you no longer need?

  • Do you have securities you would like to unload without having to pay tax?

Maria McFadden Maffucci with Jim and Faith McFadden

J. P. McFadden, founder of Human Life Review, with his wife Faith and their daughter Maria in 1992. Maria is now Maria Maffucci, Editor of Human Life Review.

The Human Life Foundation is grateful to receive many different kinds of gifts.

All gifts to the Human Life Foundation are 100% tax-deductible because we are a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation under the IRS.

You can make a gift of an IRA or other securities at any time. Please click here to start the process!

Or have your broker call (212) 685-5210 during regular business hours to arrange the transaction.

Defender of Life Society

Read our entire introductory letter here! Mail-in reply forms available.



To join the Defender of Life Society, all you need to do is:

Benefits of Membership:

Peace of Mind:

  • Certainty that your assets will continue to strengthen the backbone of the pro-life movement when you no longer need them.


  • You will receive a Certificate of Appreciation which you can proudly display
  • Your generosity will be remembered annually in the Fall issue of the Human Life Review (unless you prefer anonymity)
  • You will receive preferential seating at the Great Defender of Life Dinner
  • You will be recognized by name at the Great Defender of Life Dinner (unless you prefer anonymity)

With help like yours, the Human Life Foundation’s flagship publication, the Human Life Review, will continue to illuminate truth and reason in defense of life.

If you would like to receive a call about the Society and ways to help, let us know below!

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