NEWSworthy: What’s Happening

and What It Means to You

Welcome to Human Life Review’s new online feature, NEWSworthy, where you will find weekly, timely coverage of news touching on a range of life issues, how they fit within the pro-life movement, and what they mean for you and your community. On such high-stakes topics as these, too often the news reporting around us appears to partake in one extreme or another, whether shrill or agenda-driven. For those looking for fair and human coverage on the issues affecting many lives today, we hope this space provides news worthy of your read.

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The Republican Party Betrays Pro-Life Principles

  A version of the following was originally posted July 16, 2024, on the blog of Edward Mechmann “Stepping Out of the Boat.” It is reprinted with permission. How far the Republican Party has fallen since Ronald Reagan wrote the magnificent pro-life manifesto Abortion and the...
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Republican Party platform on abortion shifts from 2016

    Calling itself a “forward-looking agenda,” the new Republican Party blueprint begins with a dedication to the “Forgotten Men and Women of America,” and promises to “restore common sense” and “put America first,” promises that former President Donald Trump has made...
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How the Supreme Court Silenced the Voice of the Fathers

    At the National Catholic Register, John Grondelski reminds us not to forget the father’s role in the fight for life. The Supreme Court may have tried to cut him out of the picture back in 1976, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about him. “Two...
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Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to FDA Abortion Drug Approval

    The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone, striking a blow for the pro-life cause. The court was unanimous in its decision, and the lawsuit was rejected on the grounds that the...
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Journal Rejects Pro-Life Article Because a White Male Wrote It

  An academic journal retracted an article arguing that “abortion restrictions are good for black women” because a white man wrote it. New Bioethics Editor Matthew James told author Perry Hendricks that extra “sensitivity” is needed when “white authors write about racial...
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NEWSworthy: Comedian Bill Maher: Abortion Is ‘Kind Of Murder,’ But ‘I’m Just OK With That’

  Comedian Bill Maher agrees with pro-lifers that abortion is murder, although he said he still supports it. “A lot of people think it’s murder. That’s why I don’t understand the 15-week thing, or Trump’s plan is, ‘Let’s leave it to the states.’...
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Law meant to protect pregnant workers is being used to push abortion

      The bipartisan Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will include protections for abortion under new regulations from the Biden administration. The law, meant to “[provide] for reasonable accommodations” for pregnant workers, is being interpreted to mean employers...
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Pro-Life Activist Lauren Handy Sentenced to Almost Five Years in Prison

  Pro-life activist Lauren Handy — known for her efforts to uncover the truth about fetuses found at a Washington, D.C., abortion clinic that appeared to have been killed via partial-birth abortion — was sentenced to nearly five years in prison for violating the federal FACE...
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Letter from Prison

    On May 14, John Hinshaw was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison for participating in a rescue at a DC abortion clinic, in 2020. Below is his statement, sent through his family.   _________________________________   It is the middle of the night, which, we...
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