NEWSworthy: What’s Happening

and What It Means to You

Welcome to Human Life Review’s new online feature, NEWSworthy, where you will find weekly, timely coverage of news touching on a range of life issues, how they fit within the pro-life movement, and what they mean for you and your community. On such high-stakes topics as these, too often the news reporting around us appears to partake in one extreme or another, whether shrill or agenda-driven. For those looking for fair and human coverage on the issues affecting many lives today, we hope this space provides news worthy of your read.

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Melania Trump comes out as pro-abortion

  It is no surprise to pro-lifers that both major political parties in the U.S. are now more or less supportive of abortion. Leading Democrats such as Vice President Kamala Harris will not admit to a single restriction on “women’s right to choose” that they would support....
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NEWSworthy: Georgia Supreme Court Again Upholds State’s Heartbeat Law

  The Georgia Supreme Court has once again said the state can enforce its lifesaving “heartbeat” law that protects many babies from abortion. The LIFE Act was briefly overturned by Fulton County Superior Judge Robert McBurney. The activist judge previously claimed that the...
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Colorado Abortionist Admits Hard Truth Pro-Abortion Activists Won’t

    This election cycle, presidential hopeful Vice President Kamala Harris and other pro-abortion activists have repeatedly alleged that late-term abortions are a myth. This narrative follows pro-abortion attempts over the past 50 years to gaslight the American public...
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Hundreds of Aborted Babies Could Be Denied Burial If New York City Changes This Rule

    Second-trimester aborted babies could soon be denied a proper burial if New York City implements a pending regulation. The NYC Department of Health appears still to be considering changing its regulations surrounding aborted babies. Babies aborted at “24 or more weeks of...
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Did pro-choice lies kill Amber Thurman?

  The following is a reprint of Timothy P. Carney’s column in the Washington Examiner on Sept. 20, 2024.   A woman in Georgia got a legal abortion, and it killed her.  If this isn’t how you understand the tragic death of Amber Thurman, that’s because you have been...
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Despite Attacks, Pregnancy Resource Centers Help Moms Like Me

    A Massachusetts pregnancy resource center helped my son Sam, and me start on a successful path, and it has been so disheartening to see the same center that helped us now attacked and discredited by Massachusetts politicians. This summer, Massachusetts Governor...
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Abortions in Indiana Have Plummeted, but There Is More Work To Do

  Do abortion bans really work to curb abortion? Advocates of abortion like to argue that they do not, but recent numbers out of Indiana, which has a near-total abortion ban, are promising. There were just 72 abortions reported in Indiana in the first half of the year,...
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Kamala Harris Promotes Abortion Misconceptions

    On the issue of abortion, which Democrats consider their great strength, Vice President Kamala Harris’ only response during the presidential debate to former President Donald Trump’s question about her comfort with abortions in the seventh, eighth, or ninth month...
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Massachusetts launches $1 million campaign against pro-life nonprofits

  Massachusetts state officials are going to war against pro-life nonprofits that give women free diapers and help families provide for their babies and kids. The taxpayer-funded campaign, at a cost of at least $1 million, includes information sheets, graphics, and even...
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