A Pastor’s Reflections was created in 2015 by Reverend W. Ross Blackburn, Rector of Christ the King, an Anglican Church in Boone, North Carolina, and longtime contributor to the Human Life Review. Now the feature, renamed Pastoral Reflections, will carry contributions from a variety of clerics and religious who, along with Rev. Blackburn, will meditate on abortion and other grave moral transgressions that not only hurt individuals but deform the culture and threaten religious liberty.

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Pro-life Integrity

    Persuasive people are logical, passionate—and credible. And undergirding credibility is the virtue of integrity. If prolifers want to win people over to the pro-life cause, we should be in the habit of building and repairing our...
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Makers of Men

    You may have heard that President Trump recently pardoned several prolifers who were arrested and jailed for peacefully praying/protesting at abortion clinics. Kayleigh McEnany of Fox News interviewed three of them: Paulette Harlow...
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The Church’s Countercultural Mary

    Women in leadership roles are to some degree immune from public criticism. Often, those who find female leaders lacking tend to restrict their observations to private communication. Afraid of being labeled “sexist,” they pretty...
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When a Monk Dies

    In my last reflection here, I argued against euthanasia and physician assisted suicide—medically available options in an increasing number of countries, and states in the U.S. But as with many other unethical practices, simply...
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“May I interrupt you?” “Go right ahead.”

  Someone once remarked that life is a series of interruptions. That certainly is the case for the pastor of a parish in the city that never sleeps! Yet this description of day-to-day life really applies to just about everyone. We all have...
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Homily for Epiphany

  At the time of our Lord’s birth, Jews were present in most major cities throughout the known world. This was called the “Diaspora,” which the story of Pentecost refers to in the Book of Acts (2:1-11), where we read that, “Staying in...
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