The Great Defender of Life Dinner was a smashing success last night—thanks to all of you.

Stay tuned for a dinner recap, speeches, photos and more!




Micheal Flaherty and Ruben Diaz

Micheal Flaherty is an educator and the co-founder of Walden Media, a film production company whose releases include The Chronicles of Narnia, Bridge to Terabithia, The Giver, Amazing Grace, and other blockbusters. The family-friendly films Walden has produced present to a society saturated in pro-death messaging the timeless Judeo-Christian values of the sanctity of human life and the virtue of heroic self-giving.

Ruben Diaz has represented the 32nd District (South Bronx) in the New York State Senate since 2002. Throughout his career, he has been an outspoken and courageous defender of life, recently in the forefront of the fight to defeat New York’s radical Abortion Expansion Law. An ordained minister of the Church of God, Rev. Diaz is also the President of the NY Hispanic Clergy Organization.


Please join us in honoring these two brave men who defend the sanctity of life in the public square.

To purchase your tickets by mail, please print out, complete and enclose this flyer along with your payment. Make checks payable to The Human Life Foundation, Inc. Mailing address: 353 Lexington Avenue, Suite 802, New York, NY  10016




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 Individual Tickets:  ____ x $400 = $_______       Sponsor Table:  ____ x $4,000 = $_________  Student Tickets: ____ x $250 = $____________

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