You are welcome to join us for the whole day or drop in for any of the scheduled events!

* 10:30 Registration begins

* 11:15 Welcome: Maria McFadden Maffucci

* 11:30  Keynote: Reverend Victor Austin:

“Reality is Pro-Life: And in the Long Run, Reality Breaks Through”

Reflections on fiction, specifically Patricia Lockwood’s No One is Talking About This ; followed by panel with Diane Moriarty, Maria McFadden Maffucci and Q and A.

* 12:15 Fr. Peter Martyr Yungwirth: welcome, comments , and blessing for lunch.

* 12:30-130 Lunch (cost included in ticket price)

* 1:30 Clare McCallan, performance and presentation:

“Labor of Love: The Relation Between Art and Maternity”

* 2-2:15 break

* 2:15 to 3:00 Panel for TV and film with David DiCerto,
Margaret Colin, and Clare McCallan, Followed by Q and A

* 3-30  coffee break

* 3:30 -4:00  Musical performance by Grace  Maffucci and William Blackburn

* 4:00-5:00  James and Karina Majewski will perform a staged reading of

Arranged, a new original play by Karina Majewski, followed by Q and A

* 5:00-6:00 Group discussion: Where do we go from here? Conference results.

* 6-6:30 break; last chance to visit sponsor tables and buy merchandise.

* 6:30 to 8:30 Wine and hors’ d’oeuvres reception, featuring the

Nick Hempton Jazz Band (set starts at 7:00pm)

schedule subject to change


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