Thank You all for a Wonderful Evening!







OCTOBER 7, 2021


Margaret Colin and Marvin Olasky

and remembering Michael Uhlmann (December 29, 1939-October 8, 2019 

Union League Club of New York


Per the Union League Club: Beginning September 7, 2021, the Club is required to adhere to the NYC mandate requiring proof of Covid-19 vaccination when dining indoors, attending events or using the Fitness Center. Proof of vaccination is not required to dine outdoors, use independent workspace or stay in an overnight room. A photo ID must accompany proof of vaccination.




Marvin Olasky is editor in chief of WORLD, a biweekly Evangelical Christian magazine that stands out for its principled investigative reporting. He is the author of 26 books, including the indispensable study  Abortion Rites: A Social History of Abortion in America (1992), and his new book Abortion at the Crossroads: Three Paths Forward in the Struggle to Protect the Unborn.

Photo 192922298 © Hutchinsphoto | Margaret Colin is an award-winning New York-born actress, known especially for her roles in the film Independence Day, the television series Gossip Girl, and the 2018 revival of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Carousel on Broadway.  She is a pro-life activist, formerly the honorary co-chair of Feminists for Life, and is now an honorary board member of Feminists Choosing Life of New York.

On October 7 we will also be remembering, with great affection, our esteemed former editor and colleague Michael Uhlmann, who died rather suddenly in October 2019. Uhlmann was Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legislative Affairs during the Ford Administration, and served as special assistant to President Reagan during his first term.

An attorney and author, he then went on to an academic career as professor of government at the Claremont Institute.  Mike Uhlmann was also the author of then-Senator James Buckley’s Human Life Amendment, and had a major role in acquiring President Ronald Reagan’s 1983 article for the Human Life Review—“Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation.”



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