New York Times:
Wikipedia Entry: 
National Review Online:
Nat Hentoff, Memory Eternal, by Wesley Smith:
Wesley Smith in First Things:
Scroll down below the gallery for some archived articles we’ve made available.
Nat Hentoff has often used his enormous journalistic talent to defend the right to life of the unborn, the newly born, the frail elderly and the disabled. We are delighted to offer this collection of his syndicated columns and other works, which appeared in the Human Life Review from 1984 through 2005.
Book available in our shop
Photo Gallery: 2005 Great Defender of Life Dinner, Honoring Nat Hentoff
- Nat Hentoff chats with Alicia Colon during the cocktail hour
- Rabbi Joseph Potasnik gave the Invocation
- Wesley Smith Introduces Mr. Hentoff.
- Mr. Hentoff at podium
- Examining the award; featuring a Nick Downes original cartoon
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