Truth and Reason in Defense of Life

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A Passion for Truth


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The AI Intervention

  When the Vatican announced last month that Pope Francis would be the first Roman pontiff to address the G7 Summit—a meeting of the world’s...
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A Pastor's Reflections

Pride and Penance

  Last week, we celebrated the 248th anniversary of our nation’s Declaration of...
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  Once I saw a billboard that encouraged black women to abort their unborn babies. It read: “Black women take care of their families by...
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About the Human Life Review

Human Life Review
The Human Life Review is the only publication of its kind in the world: a journal devoted to life issues, primarily abortion (William F. Buckley once praised it as "the focus of civilized discussion of the abortion issue"), but also "neonaticide," genetic engineering, cloning, and fetal tissue experimentation, as well as the end-of-life issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide and suicide. We also publish articles dealing with more general questions of family and society: what the "abortion mentality" has done to our culture; how moral relativism has pervaded our political process as well as our educational system; and how the debates over day care and the children's rights movements, as well as the controversy over health care and end-of-life decision making, reflect a society sharply divided on the most basic moral questions.

What We Do

  • Facilitate Discussion

    Our publication aims to facilitate the discussion about issues related to the Right to Life movement. We give proponents access to academic journals and legal opinions from many contributors who are highly respected around the country. We make sure our readers are properly educated and are able to operate an educated discussion about the life issues, most notably abortion.
  • Educate The Public

    The Human Life Review is the only publication of its kind in the world: a journal completely devoted to life issues, primarily abortion , but also "neonaticide," genetic engineering, cloning, and fetal tissue experimentation, as well as the end-of-life issues of euthanasia, assisted suicide and suicide.
  • Over 40 Years of History

    Each issue of the Review features original articles and an Appendices section, which reprints opinion columns from around the U.S. and abroad. The Human Life Review has an impressive roster of contributors, including the late Clare Booth Luce and Malcolm Muggeridge, John T. Noonan, James L. Buckley, Cardinal John J. O'Connor, Congressman Henry Hyde, Dr. C. Everett Koop, Nat Hentoff, Hadley Arkes, and Mary Ann Glendon. Recent regular contributors have included Senior Editors William Murchison, Ellen Wilson Fielding, as well as Professor George McKenna, Mary Meehan, and Wesley Smith. Visit our contributors for more information about our contributors.


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"The focus of civilized discussion of the abortion issue"

Our mission is to give the readers the tools to have a "civilized discussion" about many issues related to the life issues, most notably Abortion. Further the continuation of our cause by donating to a highly reputable legal organization
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Archive Spotlight

Pro-Woman Messaging: The Strategy to Win the Mushy Middle

For more than four decades, pro-lifers have been characterized as advocates for the...
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Scheidler’s Supreme Victory

“Pro-life action news: Mark Wednesday, Feb. 26, in red letters because it is one big...
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Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation

  THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade is a good...
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Active and Passive Euthanasia

  Because of recent advances in medical technology, it is today possible to save...
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