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On June 1st, the Human Life Review held an exciting event in New York.

 This event was made possible in part by a generous grant from the Apgar foundation


3 West Club:   3 West 51st street  NYC


You’re invited to an evening of spirited discourse and fellowship: Eminent scholars Hadley Arkes and Rusty Reno join George McKenna to discuss McKenna’s seminal essay in the Human Life Review, “The Odd Couple: Freedom and Liberty” (Fall, 2021).

Ever notice how people use these terms interchangeably? But, as McKenna writes, they “point to very different kinds of behavior.”

LIBERTY refers to “morally indifferent choices,” while

FREEDOM underscores “the moral significance of one choice over another.”

What are the real-world implications of this distinction? McKenna discusses the debate within the conservative movement between David French (a “liberty conservative”) and Sohrab Ahmari (a “freedom conservative”) which started in the pages of First Things and led to in-person debates. McKenna states that we must fight the enemies of freedom—abortion, pornography, gender “reassignment”—but, he asks: “While fighting them, do we also need to fight some of our friends?”


If you haven’t yet read “The Odd Couple: Freedom and Liberty,” now is the time to do so.


Our panelists will also look to the upcoming Supreme Court decision on abortion, Dobbs v. Jackson. Professor Arkes’ recent essay in First Things, “On Overruling Roe,” is powerful and will also whet your appetite for what promises to be an invigorating discussion—as well as the opportunity for questions from the audience.


You may purchase tickets at the door, but must RSVP by May 25 to: to ensure seating


George McKenna is professor emeritus of political science at City College of New York.

Hadley Arkes is founder and director of the James Wilson Institute, and the Edward N. Ney Professor in American Institutions (Emeritus) at Amherst College.

Rusty Reno is the editor of First Things.

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