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The Human Life Review has been a record of threats to human life since Roe v. Wade — and provided the tools to respond.

John Burger

“The Human Life Review
constantly gives me hope, by reminding me of how many fine minds have felt the cause of human life to be worthy of their intellectual labors. It is the place where the movement for human life does its thinking.” 

Helen Alvaré

“The arguments in HLR are not going to go away; they are there, in print and in cyberspace. They can’t be destroyed. When fair-minded people read them, they wonder what the reply is. And if the reply of the other side is limited to razzle-dazzle rhetoric and nasty personal attacks . . . then our arguments will prevail. It’s that simple—words, mere words, knock out the other side’s tanks.”

George McKenna
Dear Editors,
     I have been a long-time subscriber and supporter of the “The Human Life Foundation “.   Throughout the year I wait with great anticipation for my quarterly issue of The Human Life Review!  I know that the articles selected for each issue will be excellent and provide much “food for thought”.  I am very grateful to have this resource at my disposal to help me as I defend the dignity of all human beings, both preborn and born!
     The latest issue, Volume L No. 1 Winter 2024, was one of the best yet and the quality of the selections was very impressive.  We know the “other side” is pulling out all the stops since the Dobbs decision in June of 2022.  It can be easy to grow weary when it appears the entire culture has gone mad.
     When I finished the last article. I felt rejuvenated!  The late Joe Scheidler and Father Richard Neuhaus, two of my pro-life heroes, would agree that we must continue to make our case in the public square.  I know a few people who could benefit from this resource, so I am requesting five additional copies to nudge them to the pro-life side.
     Thank you for all you do for the cause of life.
Patrick Hardyman, 1

It is so good to read intelligent, accurate information and commentary on the abortion issue. I just got the Winter 2024 issue.

Elaine Gere
latest issue of HLR is a blockbuster!

Well done! It will be traveling west with me in 10 days and I plan to read it cover to cover.
Melissa M. Bostrom
I had a recollection of an article by Professor R.V. Young from the early years of my subscription. “Moral Illiteracy” from the Winter 1983 issue. Just one quote: “Could anyone who had read — really read and assimilated — Dante, Shakespeare, Dr. Johnson and Faulkner conceive of the fleeting slogans of the contemporary media as permanent contributions to the accumulated wisdom of mankind?”Or think that winning $91,000 for Planned Parenthood is a good thing? That’s what THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW has meant to me since 1981. Thank you. More than I can say.
Albert Alioto

The Human Life Review became “the pro-life debater’s bible.”

Edward Capano

Certainly this is an amazing year, with Roe.  But the fight for unborn life continues afresh across our country.  In the end this must be less about laws, and more about the moral and intellectual convictions of our nation.  HLR has an essential role in building that foundation.

Chairman, National Review

Throughout all of those tumultuous years, no organization has been more admirably attuned to the heartbeat of the pro-life movement than the Human Life Review

Edward Short
There has been much news about this issue, but coming from HLF I know it has to be the truth.
Linda Levirne 

As always, thank you for your continuing work on the Human Life Review. It remains excellent! In the midst of a world gone mad, your journal brings a beacon of hope into my life, study, and home four times a year. Thank you.

The Reverend Paul T. Stallsworth

Hi Maria,
First of all – love the green color!!! Striking….
But, the content is incredible – I have read everything – cover to cover. Loved Chris’s Thames piece and really loved the Santorum piece (made me cry)…Loved it all (including the foreward of course.). I think you are getting better and better.


Anne Hendershott