About the Human Life Review

The Review

Since 1975, the Human Life Review has been the only publication of its kind in the world: an academic-quality journal devoted to civilized discussion of legal, philosophical, medical, scientific, and moral perspectives on all life issues.  We cover not only abortion but also euthanasia, suicide, neonaticide, genetic engineering, cloning, fetal and embryonic stem cell research and experimentation, and new issues as they emerge.  We also deal with underlying issues of family and society.

Each issue of the Review features original articles and an Appendix of opinion columns.

Past contributors of note include: Ronald Reagan, Malcolm Muggeridge, Henry Hyde, Jerome Lejeune, Dr. C. Everett Koop, John Cardinal O’Connor, Richard John Neuhaus, Clare Boothe Luce, John T, Noonan, Michael Uhlmann, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Harold O. J. Brown, Eugene Ionesco, Nat Hentoff, and more.

Current contributors of note include Helen Alvare, William Murchison, Eric Metaxas, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Edward Short, Ellen Fielding, Hadley Arkes, Wesley J. Smith, Mary Meehan, Edward Mechmann, Catherine Glen Foster, George McKenna, David Quinn, Ryan Anderson, Anne Hendershott, Chuck Donovan, William Doino, George Marlin, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Bill McGurn, David Mills, Rita Marker, Nicholas Frankovich, Ross Blackburn, Alan Sears, and more.

The leading names of today appear regularly in the Review and on our blog.

The Foundation

Human Life ReviewThe Human Life Foundation, Inc. is an independent, non-sectarian, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation started in 1975 by the late James P. McFadden to promote and help provide alternatives to abortion. We pursue these goals through educational and charitable means. The Human Life Review, a quarterly journal now in its 5th decade of printing, focuses on abortion while also featuring articles on a variety of other life issues. The Foundation also sponsors a matching grant program which helps support crisis pregnancy centers around the country.

All contributions to the Human Life Foundation are tax deductible.


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Ida Paz
Assistant Editor

Ida Paz, the Review‘s production assistant, started as a volunteer at the Human Life Foundation in the summer of 2016. She began working part-time in 2017, assisting in an HLF project that continued on through 2018. She became a full-time employee in 2019. Ida graduated with a degree in banking and finance. This led to various jobs in the banking industry, a quasi-government fundraising charitable agency, and medical office administration. Her volunteer services have included parish council, teacher’s aide, school PTA and CCD.


Maria Maffucci

Maria McFadden Maffucci is editor in chief, since 2020, of the Human Life Review; she was editor (1998-2020), executive editor (1996-1998), and managing editor (1990-1996). Mrs. Maffucci was previously managing editor of the monthly journal First Things  (1989-1990); and of the quarterly  This World (1988-1989).

Mrs. Maffucci’s articles and editorials have appeared in the Human Life Review, First Things, National Review Online and National Review, as well as in The Silent Subject: Reflections on the Unborn in American Culture, edited by Brad Stetson (Praeger, 1996) and The Reach of Roe: Eugenics, Euthanasia and Other Assaults on the Dignity of Human Life (1975-2010), edited by Anne Conlon (Ad Hoc Committee and Human Life Foundation, 2013).

A Holy Cross graduate with a BA in Philosophy, she is married to Robert E. Maffucci, and the mother of three children.

Anne Conlon

Anne Conlon has been managing editor, and recently editor, of the Human Life Review for going on two decades, during which time she has edited several collections of essays from the Review’s archives, most recently The Reach of Roe: Eugenics, Euthanasia, and Other Assaults on the Dignity of Human Life (2013). Before that she worked for 12 years as a bona fide Mad Woman, that is, as an advertising copywriter on Madison Avenue. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) in 1976 with a BA in English.

Rose Flynn DeMaio
Financial Director and Board Treasurer.

Rose Flynn DeMaio, a graduate of New York University with a BS in Accounting, was employed with J.P. McFadden at National Review when he founded the Human Life Foundation. Believing in J.P.’s ability to bring intelligent information to the public, she became the Foundation’s independent accountant. After her retirement from National Review, she became the Foundation’s Financial Director and Board Treasurer.

James McFadden

James Patrick (J. P.) McFadden (1930-1998) was Associate Publisher of National Review magazine. In 1975, in response to the U. S. Supreme Court’s infamous decision on Roe v. Wade, he founded the Human Life Foundation, and its quarterly, the Human Life Review. Today his daughter, Maria McFadden Maffucci, is President of the Human Life Foundation and Editor in Chief of the Human Life Review.

Christina Angelopoulos
Production Manager/IT Director

Christina Angelopoulos (nee McFadden), is the managing editor of the Review. The fifth child of J.P. and Faith McFadden, she began working full-time for the Human Life Foundation in 2003. She has since worked to expand the Foundation’s technology, operations efficiency, archive organization,  and social media presence. A graduate of Fordham University, Mrs. Angelopoulos lives in Westchester with her husband and twin girls, and also sings professionally in Manhattan.