The Eyes of Faith

  A New York funeral Mass celebrated by a Catholic bishop and a trio of nationally known priests would seem to indicate that the person being mourned was famous or perhaps a major church donor. Yet the deceased who drew such notable clergy, as well as lay leaders of the...
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Light in the Dark: Bringing Abortion Healing to Women Prisoners

Marjorie Long, the site leader of Rachel’s Vineyard for the Diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana, is not one to back down from a challenge. In 2010, while attending a national conference in Malvern, Penn., she heard Rachel’s Vineyard founder Theresa Burke urge site leaders to go...
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Pro-life Millennials: The Polls vs the Facts

Poll numbers in recent years have been interpreted to suggest that the majority of Americans are pro-choice, or at least split fairly evenly along pro-life/pro-choice lines. The overall American attitude has certainly become more pro-life over the last generation, but numbers...
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Why Roe/Casey Is Still Unsettled

In his first public criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford in 1857, future U.S. Senate candidate Abraham Lincoln denied that the decision was “settled”: Judicial decisions have two uses—first, to absolutely determine the case decided, and secondly, to...
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