The Slide to Abortion

    Perhaps you know this Old Testament story (2 Samuel 11). King David, on his roof after a nap, spied a married woman, Bathsheba, bathing on her own roof below. Admiring her beauty, he sent for her and lay with her. Shortly afterward, Bathsheba sent the king word that...
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Republican Party platform on abortion shifts from 2016

    Calling itself a “forward-looking agenda,” the new Republican Party blueprint begins with a dedication to the “Forgotten Men and Women of America,” and promises to “restore common sense” and “put America first,” promises that former President Donald Trump has made...
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How the Supreme Court Silenced the Voice of the Fathers

    At the National Catholic Register, John Grondelski reminds us not to forget the father’s role in the fight for life. The Supreme Court may have tried to cut him out of the picture back in 1976, but that doesn’t mean we should forget about him. “Two...
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David Mills

David Mills, a former executive editor of First Things, is now an editor on the editorial page of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
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Pro-Life Extravagance

    In recent years, I’ve become fascinated with the use of “extravagance” as an expression of Christian spirituality. While the word has negative connotations of waste or indulgence, Jesus often invokes fiscal extravagance positively: the forgiveness of great debts,...
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Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to FDA Abortion Drug Approval

    The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone, striking a blow for the pro-life cause. The court was unanimous in its decision, and the lawsuit was rejected on the grounds that the...
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Courage in the Court

    [Correction: An earlier version of this piece misidentified the imprisoned prolifers discussed in it as members of Operation Rescue. While they participated in what is referred to in the pro-life community as a “rescue,” they are not affiliated with that...
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Six Political Principles

    This pastoral reflection was outlined on May 31. Ninety years before that day, on May 31, 1934, The Barmen Declaration was adopted by the votes of more than one hundred Protestants—both clergy (pastors and professors) and laity who were assembled at a church in...
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Journal Rejects Pro-Life Article Because a White Male Wrote It

  An academic journal retracted an article arguing that “abortion restrictions are good for black women” because a white man wrote it. New Bioethics Editor Matthew James told author Perry Hendricks that extra “sensitivity” is needed when “white authors write about racial...
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    A camel is a horse designed by a committee. Once a camel gets its nose into your tent, the rest of its body will soon follow, thus wrecking your tent. [1]   Introduction Rushed through the NYS legislature with little public debate,[2] an “Equal Righ...
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