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The Supreme Court is expected to rule on June Medical Services, LLC v. Russo, a case that calls into question the constitutionality of an abortion clinic regulation in Louisiana, in the coming month. The imminent ruling has the potential to reshape the future of abortion industry...
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HOT TOPIC: Racism Violates Human Exceptionalism: Wesley J. Smith

Racism Violates Human Exceptionalism From a human exceptionalist perspective, racism is evil because it treats inherent equals as if they are unequal. And in the fiction, the racist justifies discriminating against, denigrating, and/or objectifying the targeted victim based on...
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Planned Parenthood Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts (LifeNews)

Planned Parenthood Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts
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HOT TOPIC: Churches Set for Holy Battle to Open in New York

https://www.newsmax.com/mariamcfaddenmaffucci/churches-new-york-cuomo-dolan/2020/05/21/id/968299/ Perhaps the cardinal’s intensity reflected growing frustration with our secular prince, Gov. Andrew Cuomo? Dolan ended his powerful, moving homily with a saying popularly...
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HOT TOPIC: Corona Time: Snooping Goes Viral

  As I sit looking out the window of my 6th-floor Manhattan aerie, I half expect to see the bat symbol spotlight panning over Gotham now that Batman and Robin, aka Andrew Cuomo and his sidekick Michael Bloomberg, have joined forces to save the City with their recent call for...
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HOT TOPIC: Matilda’s Law, Cuomo Fail to Protect NY’s Most Vulnerable (Newsmax)

As has become more and disturbingly clear, while Cuomo eloquently talks the talk, his actions have left unprotected thousands of other people’s vulnerable mothers and fathers—along with their devoted caregivers.
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HOT TOPIC: The Meaning of Dachau

  This year marks the 75th anniversary of the American liberation of Dachau. On Sunday, April 29, 1945, the U.S. Seventh Army’s 45th Infantry Division freed the concentration camp located on the outskirts of Munich. American soldiers had already encountered Nazi bestiality...
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HOT TOPIC: Pregnancy Centers are Working Overtime to Save Babies From Abortion During the Coronavirus (LifeNews)

Abortion mills are open in some states, but life-saving maternity homes, like Good Counsel are open too.  Pro-lifers need to spread the word online and off that around the U.S.A. maternity homes are open because pregnant women in need have to know, always, that there is real hope...
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HOT TOPIC: Coronavirus Exposes Fixations on the Wrong Priorities

  In an unprecedented moment when much of the world is under quarantine to protect vulnerable human lives, some conservatives are preaching utilitarianism or letting partisan loyalties lead them to denial of the facts.An egregious instance is former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s...
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