In Memoriam: Damian Jon Geminder 1989-2023


This edition of Insisting on Life pays tribute to a young man who was always doing exactly that. 


Damian Jon Geminder died on April 20, after suffering a massive heart attack on March 1. He was 33 years old. The Director of Public Education at Feminists for Life, as well as editor of their publication the American Feminist, Damian was the right-hand man and beloved colleague of FFL president Serrin Foster, who wrote the following after his death:

Brilliant, hilarious, and kind, he was raised in a home first owned by a suffragist. He was introduced as a teen to Feminists for Life by his big sister, Jessica, who shared copies of our magazine. Since college, he was dedicated to serving those at greatest risk of abortion, first as one of our interns, then as a volunteer. After achieving his master’s in journalism, Damian became our editor on February 15, 2016, Susan B. Anthony’s birthday.

For the last decade, he devoted his life to making the lives of women and children better. Damian would tell you if he could that shepherding 300 articles on our helpsite was one of his biggest accomplishments.

On behalf of the Board and staff, with heartfelt condolences, we dedicate the upcoming issue titled “Legacy” of The American Feminist, to his memory.

Damian was a good friend to the Human Life Review, attending many of our events. He was always ready to contribute his support to a project, and his friendly, joyful presence was endearing. We will miss him. Requiescat in Pace.

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