The Human Life Review / Foundation in the Media!

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Message to Governor Bobby Jindal: Women are Mothers not Breeders

Message to Governor Bobby Jindal: Women are Mothers not Breeders On April 1 the Louisiana House passed H.B. 187, a gestational surrogacy bill that would provide a legal framework for women to enter into a contract in order to carry, deliver, and surrender a child at birth to an...
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National Organization for Women Defeated

National Organization for Women Defeated: Final Victory for Joe Scheidler in Federal Court The U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issued What Should be the Last Ruling for Pro-Life Action League’s Historic Three Decade Case Contact: Tom Ciesielka...
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Attention Students! Free Subscriptions!

Did you know that you can now get the Human Life Review for free? Just send us your name and a valid .edu e-mail address here:  That’s it! No obligation, no other information required. We want to get the Review into the hands of as many interested students as possible; and...
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Primer on Roe v. Wade

Current and Critical: a primer on Roe v. Wade, by Paul Benjamin Linton.  DOWNLOAD PDF HERE: Paul Benjamin Linton is an attorney in private practice who specializes in state and federal constitutional law. The author of many law review articles, he has also published the first...
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Rejoinder to Peter Steinfels

  Dear Peter, I hope that you will not take it amiss if I write this in a more informal style than we’ve been using, but my feeling is that now may be a good time to engage in direct dialogue. Wasn’t it something like that which you first proposed to Anne Conlon after reading my...
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Grand Bargaining No, Rethinking Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes

“Grand Bargain,” No. Serious Rethinking, Yes Many weeks ago, I all but completed a reply to the critique that George McKenna published in the Human Life Review of “Beyond the Stalemate,” my June 21 Commonweal article, on the current state and future prospects of Catholic...
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A Bad Bargain: A Postscript

A Bad Bargain: A Postcript           At about the middle of September I wrote a piece on this site critical of an article in Commonweal magazine by Peter Steinfels, a writer and former editor of the magazine...
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Anne Conlon on Kermit Gosnell

Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society might still be in operation today had the doctor’s lucrative side practice — dispensing “fake prescriptions” for painkillers such as Oxycontin — not brought him to the attention of prosecutors in the first place.–Anne Conlon  
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HLR in the news: Nat Hentoff

  Our 2005 Great Defender of Life Honoree’s timely, hard-hitting column for the Jewish World Review: read it here:  
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Good Samaritan for Life

In 2014, we will mark the 40th anniversary of J.P. McFadden’s founding of the Human Life Review. He was inspired by the story of the Good Samaritan. Our goal in the coming year is to boost our loyal subscriber base by 40%, to ensure that the Review continues to bring more...
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Stand Up for Religious Liberty Rally June 8th 2012

I am the president of the Human Life Foundation, a non-profit, non-sectarian organization in Manhattan, dedicated to the defense of human life, founded in 1974 in response to the Roe. v. Wade decision. Our quarterly journal, the Human Life Review, seeks to change hearts and...
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Spain: The Abortion Agenda

This article was originally published in our Spring 2010 issue. The author suggested that we post this article on our website, saying: “The new Government has announced a reform of the abortion law, but it is still unclear how it would be implemented. That is the reason why...
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