Maria McFadden Maffucci

DSC_2711is the Editor in Chief of the Human Life Review

HOT TOPIC: Matilda’s Law, Cuomo Fail to Protect NY’s Most Vulnerable (Newsmax)

As has become more and disturbingly clear, while Cuomo eloquently talks the talk, his actions have left unprotected thousands of other people’s vulnerable mothers and fathers—along with their devoted caregivers.
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HOT TOPIC: Coronavirus Exposes Fixations on the Wrong Priorities

  In an unprecedented moment when much of the world is under quarantine to protect vulnerable human lives, some conservatives are preaching utilitarianism or letting partisan loyalties lead them to denial of the facts.An egregious instance is former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s...
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HOT TOPIC: News Flash Chuck Schumer — You Don’t Speak for Me   A recent Gallup poll found that 51 percent of American women consider themselves “pro-life.” I’d say quite a few them are angry — at Schumer. Another recent poll, the...
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HOT TOPIC: ‘One Child Nation’ a Heartrending Documentary on China’s Brutal Policy   “One Child Nation” is a riveting, heartrending documentary, which won the coveted U.S. Grand Jury Sundance prize, and, though it didn’t make the final list, was shortlisted...
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HOT TOPIC: What Do Libertarians Believe About Abortion? (Newsmax)

Read Maria’s excellent piece here:   In human history, when a group of people is considered dangerous (the Jews in Nazi Germany) or private property (African slaves in the U.S. before the Civil War), they are de-humanized as a first step to rationalize their...
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HOT TOPIC: The Trump Administration’s Pro-Life Policies Winning in the Courts

As America’s beacon of commerce, New York impacts the rest of America. Therefore it is worth noting that in spite of the Reproductive Health Act’s dark victory, efforts for further radical abortion expansion in New York and America are thankfully being stymied by the Trump...
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    “For too many years, the United States Government has wrongly permitted American taxpayer dollars to abet Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates in terminating millions of innocent unborn babies.  Federal law outright states that no taxpayer dollars...
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HOT TOPIC: ‘Alive from New York’ Event Celebrated Ultrasound in Times Square (Newsmax)

Nothing would dampen the spirits of those gathered, not the noisy chanting and drumming of the 75 or so pro-abortion protestors gathered on the sidewalk across from the stage (and kept across the street by a line of NYC police). Not even a fake “terrorism” scare, which occurred...
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HOT TOPIC: Robin Bush’s Legacy of Love (Newsmax)

  The bottom line is that life includes suffering, and all parents will suffer because of their children, to one degree or another. No one escapes that, it’s the flip side of the great love and joy parenthood brings. George and Barbara Bush were spared foreknowledge ...
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HOT TOPIC: Many Women in Sen. Gillibrand’s Children’s Book Were Against Abortion

Towards the close of “Bold and Brave” Gillibrand emotes about the January 2017 “pussy hat” Women’s March: It is “the march that Alice Paul dreamed up more than one hundred years ago.” Problem is, Alice Paul believed abortion was “the ultimate exploitation of...
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