Wesley Smith on Artificial Intelligence: via First Things

The existence of a human soul may be a contentious issue these days, but regardless of whether we each have one, a manufactured machine surely would not. –Wesley Smith AI Machines: Things, not Persons    
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“There are no fetal rights!”

It is well known in the pro-life movement that the pro-choice/anti-life lobby at the United Nations has been advocating for sexual and reproductive health and rights for many years. The organizations that promote this agenda behave like termites, working to erode and demolish...
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Welcome to 2016

CBS News came out with a new poll last weekend, this one about who Americans would consider voting for as President. Compared to February, Jeb and Rand and Ted and Marco and Scott are up, and so on. Hillary is unchanged and Martin O’Malley is up. But that sort of data will change...
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Life, Sex, and Religion: It All Matters in Washington, D.C.

 The battle over abortion is merging into the battle for religious freedom on another front: In the nation’s capital, religious freedom is being attacked in the name of “reproductive health decisions.” The City Council has enacted a Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act,...
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via The Telegraph: Sir Elton John boycotts Dolce & Gabbana

In a scathing post on picture sharing site Instagram, the furious singer branded Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana “judgmental” and “archaic”.
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Playing the Racist Card Against the Hyde Amendment

It is a measure of the effectiveness of the pro-life movement that life issues increasingly are co-mingled with other ones. Right now, in the U.S. Senate, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act (S. 178) is being held up for a second week because pro-aborts want to use it to...
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Pro-Aborts Don’t Understand that Elections Have Consequences

There’s a big brouhaha right now in the U. S. Senate over the human trafficking bill. The spin is: “a warm fuzzy inter-party cooperation is being fractured because those evil pro-lifers are holding hostage a wonderful bill to help the victims of human trafficking.” That is...
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Trans-Species Organ Farming: The Good, the Bad, and the Creepy

There is a shortage of organs available for transplantation.Estimates are that 123,000 people in the U.S. are in need of a transplant, and about 21 people die each day waiting for one. The art and science of transplantation is so advanced as to be routine. Science sees the...
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From CRISIS: John Grondelski’s “Suicide, Homicide, Verbicide … ‘Dignicide'”

Mercatornet, a pro-life blog about end-of-life issues, has just reported the latest doublespeak percolating among the anti-life crowd: “dignicide.” Read more here:  
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How Not to Fight the Campaign for Legal Murder

The speed on the Slippery Slope is accelerating. And our side is fighting it with our hands tied behind our backs. Earlier this month, Canada’s Supreme Court opened the door to doctor-prescribed death throughout the country by ordering Parliament to write a bill legalizing ...
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