The Lentils Were Planted!

  2016 was a banner year for earthquakes in Italy. More than 300 people lost their lives in two series of shocks that hit the center of the country—especially the region of Umbria—destroying small towns and their treasures. Nearly a year later, authorities are still removing...
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Rome March for Life: Far from the Vatican . . . Heads for the “Vittoriano”

  On the sunny Saturday afternoon of May 20 thousands gathered in the Piazza della Repubblica for Rome’s 7th annual March for Life. Organizers busily handed out balloons and banners as loudspeakers blared the triumphal chorus from Handel’s “Messiah,” much to the delight of a...
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The Magdalene Institute Makes Its Debut

The story of Mary Magdalene, a repentant sinner who went on to sainthood, is well known. Today she serves as inspiration for two life-affirming organizations: The Community of St. Mary Magdalene and The Magdalene Institute. Their founder, Mary Langlois, hopes that the...
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A majestic lady recently took her place on a bluff overlooking the mighty Missouri River in South Dakota. On September 17th, a shiny and silvery statue called “Dignity” was unveiled near Chamberlain, a small town on the riverbank, along the route followed by Lewis and Clark as...
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The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals: Guideposts to save the world?

In September 2015 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a series of goals and targets in order to eradicate poverty, eliminate inequality, and subdue climate change by 2030. These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), comprising 17 goals, 169 targets, and 230 indicators (to...
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Civil Unions in Italy: The Battle for the Soul of the Family

    On the evening of May 11, the Italian Chamber of Deputies approved by a wide margin a legislative proposal to legalize civil unions for gay (and heterosexual) couples. Known as Cirinnà’s Law, after its sponsor, Senator Monica Cirinnà, the bill had been passed by the...
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“Pare la Guerra!”

“Pare la guerra . . . Stop the war!” Those were the final words uttered by Sr. Maria de Guadalupe, a missionary who has lived in Syria, as she ended her presentation at a United Nations gathering last month titled “Defending Religious Freedom and Other Human Rights: Stopping Mass...
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Women’s Wombs: Not for Hire, Sale or Purchase!

  Maternal surrogacy has become a major item on the reproductive-rights agenda and a rapidly expanding segment of the innovative procreation market. Concocted by whatever means, a human embryo is implanted in a “rented womb” of an unrelated woman—usually a very po...
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Family Day in Italy Was a Resounding Success

Newspaper accounts indicate that despite threatening clouds on a cold Roman day, anywhere from 700,000 (the left-wing press) to close to two million (the organizers) people gathered in Rome Jan. 30 to support the traditional family, currently under attack via a bill in the...
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Pope Gives Short Shrift to Rome March for Life

May 10. It was a hot Roman Sunday as pilgrims headed for St. Peter’s Square for the traditional Papal appearance for the Regina Coeli after which the Pontiff greets the crowds and bestows his apostolic blessing. Clusters of tourists and tour groups as well as couples ambled along...
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