HOT TOPIC: Feminism offers common ground for pro-life and pro-choice groups

From Dallas News: Feminism offers common ground for pro-life and pro-choice groups   I chose to attend this convention sponsored by the Women’s March because I know there are many overlapping issues between pro-life and pro-choice feminists that we can agree on....
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Center for Medical Progress Report: Planned Parenthood Gave Up Private Patient Info To Meet Baby Body Parts Quotas

“We’d open up the Task Page, which, it shows you what the researchers want, how many specimens they want for that day or that week.” O’Donnell explains the online StemExpress Task Page, which listed customer orders for aborted fetal livers, brains, kidneys, and other body...
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INTRODUCING a NEW BOOK benefiting the Human Life Foundation!

Francis Canavan, S.J., was a professor of political science, a leading Edmund Burke scholar, and an essayist whose thoughts on faith, politics, and culture earned him accolades from many of the leading Catholic minds of his time, including Robert P. George, George Weigel, Richard...
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Missed it? Watch the video Here! Carly Fiorina accepts the 2017 GREAT DEFENDER OF LIFE Award

This year, we are offering a wonderful opportunity to watch the heart of the Great Defender of Life Award ceremony LIVE , as we honor Carly Fiorina. WATCH LIVE! October 26, 8:30P.M. –9:30 P.M.    
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HOT TOPIC: Hannah Devlin (The Guardian) on Nerve Implant Restores Consciousness in Man in Vegetative State

  The findings offer hope to the families of patients in PVS that it may one day be possible to re-establish some basic form of communication. However, some might also question whether such patients would wish to be made more acutely aware of being in a severely injured state.
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HOT TOPIC: (PJ Media) Planned Parenthood Celebrates ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Emmy Success, Call for Activism

“Couldn’t think of a better ending to the #Emmys if we tried,” Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, tweeted.  
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HOT TOPIC: Francis says “pro-life” means supporting immigrants, others disagree

According to Maria McFadden Maffucci, editor of  The Human Life Review, “The campaign and election of Donald Trump has shifted, kaleidoscope-like, both the allegiances and divisions in the pro-life movement.” In an interview with Crux, Maffucci said this shift has presented both...
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HOT TOPIC: Wesley J. Smith (National Review Online) on Reprogrammed Cells Relieve Parkinsons’ Symptoms

First, this study validates George W. Bush’s prediction, when he placed mild limitations on federal embryonic stem cell funding, that scientists would be able to find ethical means of furthering regenerative medicine without using embryos. Second, contrary to embryonic stem cells...
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HOT TOPIC: Should the Democratic Party Reject Pro-Life Candidates? (The Atlantic)

The party’s willingness to support pro-life candidates isn’t novel, and prominent Democrats, along with the Democratic National Committee, have echoed the idea that there should be no litmus test. But that message is at odds with the direction pro-choice activists believed the...
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