SPECTACULAR Review of One Spring Night in the Federalist! EXPECT is on the move!

New-Wave Feminists Are Pro-Life Advocates’ Future Want to see the video of One Spring Night? Click!! For more about EXPECT, click here: 
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From The Blaze: Patricia Heaton is Unashamed to be Pro-Life

  “In the Hollywood community, I’m the only one I know who says anything about it. I feel like I’m supposed to.”
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2015: A Watershed Year for the Pro-life Movement

INTRODUCTION “…it’s hard to imagine our ever getting to a culture of life without underscoring the sheer miracle wrapped up in a baby.”— William McGurn As we prepared to mark January 22, 2016, the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we decided to ask pro-life leaders and thinkers to...
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We’re quoted in the National Catholic Register . . .

“If women think the Catholic Church only condemns them, why approach it?” Maria Maffucci, editor of The Human Life Review, told the Register. “But if they hear that, yes, it is a grave sin, but it can be forgiven and we love you, maybe there is an opening.” Read more:...
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Welcome Subscribers to YOUR Human Life Review!

Subscribers! Activate your FREE digital subscription (and access to our entire archive) here! (And if you’d like to START getting the Human Life Review, click HERE!
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Christian Colleges and Universities Need to Walk the Walk on Pro-Life Issues: (From Town Hall)

Kristan Hawkins writes: “Is it surprising to learn that many Christian colleges and universities house school administrations that are openly hostile to pro-life students who want to educate their fellow students on abortion alternatives and help students facing crisis...
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Alive! (From National Review)

When last we visited the Jahi McMath case, a judge gave her mother the chance to file an amended complaint showing that Jahi is alive, with the assurance that if properly pleaded, evidence of life could be brought She seems to have done just that. Read more at:...
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From Crisis: Reflections on Pro-Life Protest Rhetoric

Today, however, shock and outrage doesn’t serve so well as a rhetorical foundation. The old rhetorical saw “know your audience” applies here. The sooner we realize that the percentage of our target audience (and our movement!) who have never known anything other than legalized...
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A Defense of Fiorina by Ian Tuttle: (Article & Video)

  Perhaps Marcotte & Co. should actually watch the Planned Parenthood videos. In the seventh video (there are ten available now, by the way, with more to come), at the 5:57 mark, is a baby, post-abortion, lying in a dish — its leg kicking. They will also hear Hol...
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