Maria McFadden Maffucci advocates for disabled adults amid Cuomo nursing home scandal (Fox & Friends)

Mom advocates for disabled adults amid Cuomo nursing home scandal Feb. 24, 2021 – 5:43 – Human Life Review Editor-in-Chief Maria McFadden Maffucci calls out Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home cover-up scandal and argues the New York State government has ‘no plan’ to protect...
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Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

HOT TOPIC: The Pro-Life Movement Does Not Go Cheap

To start with the obvious: no advocacy movement can be expected to fight against every injustice. We don’t damn the no-smoking movement for not taking on opioids with the same energy.
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Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash


  Once I saw a billboard that encouraged black women to abort their unborn babies. It read: “Black women take care of their families by taking care of themselves first. ABORTION IS SELF-CARE.”...
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woman in hispital with doctor by bedside

HOT TOPIC: Victims Challenge New York’s Reproductive Health Act in Historic Lawsuit (Thomas More Society)

“New York has stripped women and their families of their ability to pursue justice for those deaths,” said Christen Civiletto, one of the attorneys filing the federal action.
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technician working on cancer research

HOT TOPIC: How Aborted Children Are Used in Medical Research in 2020 (National Catholic Register)   You don’t need to go undercover and follow around employees from Planned Parenthood like David Daleiden at the Center for Medical Progress to find out how the remains of aborted children are used in research....
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Making Abortion “Great” Again

Stand up, raise your chin, clear your throat and your thoughts, and decide on the right time and place to make your point
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Photo by Derek Owens on Unsplash

HOT TOPIC: A Bold Pro-Life Move for a Democrat (NR The Corner) Last week, Hawaii representative Tulsi Gabbard introduced not one but two substantial pieces of pro-life legislation. One measure from the Democratic congresswoman is intended “to protect pain-capable...
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HOT TOPIC: THE COVID VACCINE AND THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT (First Things) I am firmly opposed to abortion and deeply committed to protecting the inherent and equal dignity of every human being from conception to natural death. But I do not believe that it is...
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