Mike Lee: US Senator for Utah (video speech)

  “As long as Planned Parenthood’s friends remain mute, I will endeavor to improve upon the silence” Floor Remarks on the Planned Parenthood Scandal, Part 1  
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Undermining the Dignity of Children

  Although groggy from the anesthetic, I clearly remember Dr. Coburn’s words: “Millie, there were six babies. Three died shortly after birth and we don’t expect the others to live. Their lungs are just too premature.” My doctor never gave us the expectation that any of the...
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The Worst of Times

  Aha, caught in the act! But, then, for the New York Times the act never ends—defending abortion as a high and holy pursuit irrespective of anything else going on, such as the eradication of Down syndrome through eradication of future Down syndrome babies. You always hope...
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Avail: Helping Women Choose Life (via nationalreview.com)

“Women’s empowerment is very much in the air here.” —Kathryn Jean Lopez, nationalreview.com
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“Cecile Richards is Right”—(no, not really . . .)

Kathryn J. Lopez tells it like it is in this brilliant and to-the-point NRO column
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Maffucci article about Vitae Foundation applauded

Read about their important research here:   In her article Marffucci’s conclusion is the best news of all. “The Vitae Foundation is one of many effective and varied pro-life organizations working to turn the tide after Roe, with undeniable results. Last November, the CDC...
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Human Life Review


Abortion activists and supporters—which is to say, most of the Democratic Party and the entirety of the liberal intelligentsia—like to frame abortion as a liberty issue. You know—choice; as with music and toothpaste. The Planned Parenthood imbroglio of recent weeks helps dispel...
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Breaking News: Planned Parenthood’s Undercover Sale of Aborted Body Parts Exposed

Shocking Undercover Video Showing Planned Parenthood Earning Profits from Sale of Aborted Baby Parts Does this explain PP’s aversion to the 20-week ban? Better-developed baby organs for their profits? We’ll help you stay on top of this topic today . . .      
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