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From the Daily Mail: Babies with Minor Deformity Increasingly Aborted

New government figures show 30 babies were aborted in the past three years because they had a cleft lip or palate. FULL STORY:
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Carl Anderson (Crux.com) : Let’s Follow Mother Teresa and Prioritize Abortion in 2016

Mother Teresa explained that the poorest of the poor weren’t in the slums of India; they were our neighbors right here in America. Calling abortion “one of the greatest poverties,” the humble saint added: “A nation, people, family that allows that, that accepts that, they are the...
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HUSH: How a pro-choice filmmaker blew the lid off a major abortion cover-up (from Life Site News)

This is a movie that needs to be shown to any woman who cares about how her reproductive and abortion history affects her health and the health of her future babies. This is a movie that needs to be shown to doctors, nurses, abortion workers, and anyone who has had an abortion....
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David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt Vindicated!

All charges dropped against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt
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One Year Later: Planned Parenthood’s Sale of Fetal Tissue Still Goes On

This is a grisly anniversary–but we have some links for you today to help you cope, stay informed, and take action! Don’t give up hope–and spread the word! Remember Dr. Nucatola sipping wine and eating salad while discussing selling human body parts? One Year...
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Don’t Miss The Innocents

 The Innocents, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January, is a French-Polish-Belgian co-production based on the real accounts of a young French doctor working for the Red Cross in post-World War II Poland. The year is 1945. Dr. Mathilde Beaulieu, who has been sent...
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As in Britain, So Over Here

The president of the “Texas Nationalist Movement,” picking up on the precedent set by British voters, desires that the Southwestern empire where I make my home hold its own vote on seceding from the top-heavy politburo that seems to run America. Good luck on persuading the U.S....
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From National Review: Pro-Life Measures the Next President Must Take!

There IS life after this election . . . what pro-life measures can we take? http://www.nationalreview.com/article/436809/pro-life-measures-next-president-must-take
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SPECTACULAR Review of One Spring Night in the Federalist! EXPECT is on the move!

New-Wave Feminists Are Pro-Life Advocates’ Future Want to see the video of One Spring Night? Click!! For more about EXPECT, click here: 
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