Maria McFadden Maffucci

DSC_2711is the Editor in Chief of the Human Life Review

Winter 2005

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW WINTER 2005 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW WINTER 2005 Featured in this issue James A Weber on Good Population Growth Stanley Kurtz on Demographics Culture War Terrence J Hobin on Liberties and Rights Nancy Harvey on Dying Like a Dog 2ND ANNUAL GREAT DEFENDER OF LIFE...
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Fall 2003

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW FALL 2003 the HUMAN LIFE REVIEW FALL 2003 Featured in this issue Mary Meehan on Democrats for Life Part II Stephen Vincent on Pro life Capital Chuck Donovan on Planned Parenthood Wesley J Smith on Dehydration Nation HLF's Great Defender of Life Dinner...
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Winter 1999

THE HUMAN LIFE REVIEW WINTER 1999 the HUMANLIFE REVIEW WINTER 1999 Featured in this issue William Murchison on The Limits of Politics Clare Boothe Luce on The New Morality J P McFadden R I P Faith Abbott McFadden John Cardinal O'Connor Ray Kerrison William F Buckley Jr Ellen...
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Continuing the Conversation

  Last fall our longtime contributor George McKenna sent us “Getting There,” in which the seasoned political scientist, with over 20 articles in the Review’s archive, insisted pro-life politicians sharpen their messaging and deepen their commitment in response to the Supreme...
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  Let’s face it. Until the Supreme Court overturned Roe last June, most Americans had largely ignored the nation’s ongoing abortion debate for almost 50 years. Why? Maybe because to pay attention would entail coming down on one side or the other regarding the desirability of...
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INTRO Winter 2021

  Recently while listening to a Jordan Peterson podcast I heard the bestselling author say this: “Those who formulate the best arguments win. They win everything.” Well then, I thought, why haven’t we won? Why hasn’t the movement for life turned back the movement for death?...
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Why My Brother Won

Robert and I used to commiserate with each other about this: how the violence allowed the media to paint us all as extremists, how frustrating it was to see the harm that the Pensacola killings did to the movement. I remember one day last August, a few weeks after the Hill...
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Hello friends! As you know,  we decided to cancel this year’s Great Defender of Life dinner, which was scheduled for October. The Foundation’s Board and staff agreed that things in New York City were just too unstable and it would be an unjustified risk to proceed. Nevertheless,...
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HOT TOPIC: (Newsmax) Roe v. Wade — A Precedent to Be Deplored

In his majority opinion in June Medical Services v. Russo, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote: “I joined the dissent in Whole Woman’s Health and continue to believe that the case was wrongly decided. The question today however is not whether Whole Woman’...
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HOT TOPIC: Churches Set for Holy Battle to Open in New York Perhaps the cardinal’s intensity reflected growing frustration with our secular prince, Gov. Andrew Cuomo? Dolan ended his powerful, moving homily with a saying popularly...
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