When the Church is silent, we revisit the sin of slavery. (When the Church is Silent, #8 of 10)

   You shall not steal (Exod 20:15).   The natural bent of the human heart is to possess that which is not ours. James said it well: “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?  You desire and do not have,...
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HOT TOPIC: We’re Not Laughing at Comedians’ Deranged Abortion Routines (Newsmax)

Hollywood stars Sarah Silverman, Michelle Wolf, Margaret Cho, and Amy Schumer have become rich and famous for their over-the-top, profane “comedy.” Since they gravitate toward anything perverse, to say their performances are “cringe-worthy” is being kind. This certainly best...
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