“The problems of our world,” says William Murchison, “have edges, angles, pull-outs, protrusions, and rusty nails sticking out everywhere.” In “IVF: The Next Battlefield,” our senior editor ponders the Alabama Supreme Court’s “out-of-nowhere” pronouncement last...
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A Letter to the Women’s Lobby

  [First reprinted in our Spring 1978 issue, Clare Boothe Luce’s “Letter to the Women’s Lobby” was an explanation as to why, after decades advocating for the Equal Rights Amendment, she was dismayed that its passage was being jeopardized by the abortion lobby. This letter...
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Sing Her to Sleep

    The gentle summer day my friend made her journey from home to hospice was marked by a little parade of loved ones. As the medics carried her to the ambulance, her sisters, husband, and daughter filed out into the sunshine behind her, and for reasons I cannot...
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Where There’s a Will There’s a Way

  The only thing I find even creepier than the women at abortion rights rallies whose faces are so distorted with rage they look like fugitives from a de Kooning painting are the ones who link arms and virtually dance the Irish jig because they’ve succeeded in enshrining...
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