HOT TOPIC: Serrin Foster comes to New York City

Serrin Foster has a succinct message: Real feminism means women do not have to sacrifice their children for their education, their careers, or for other people. For 23 years, she has delivered her ground-breaking speech, “The Feminist Case Against Abortion,” on college campuses...
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How God Draws Near

  Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation (Psalm 68:5).   The verse struck me as curious. How is the Lord a Father of the fatherless and a Protector of widows from His holy habitation? Rather, it sounds as if by being in His holy...
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Abortion Looming in Ireland

When last I wrote for this publication, Ireland had been through a huge national and international controversy about the tragic death in an Irish hospital in late 2012 of a pregnant Indian woman, Savita Halappanavar. The world, and the Irish public, had been led to believe that...
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The Disciple of Rationality’s Unreasonable Thoughts

It’s interesting, the kind of things you find rummaging through your files when you’ve got a deadline and nothing to say. (This, innocent readers should know, happens to the writers you read more often than any of us like to admit.) For example, the ethicist Charlie Camosy’s...
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The Call to Community

  And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in...
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The Crossword Puzzle as an Instrument of Propaganda

Crossword puzzles are said to be the most popular and widespread of all word games.  Typically, they are free of controversy—all the correct answers are facts that respond to questions such as “what is the longest river in Egypt?” or “who was the second president of the United...
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The Democrats Need Pro-Lifers—and Pro-Lifers Need a Two-Party System

  As Democrats fight among themselves about abortion, Republicans and pro-lifers watching from the sidelines say “Good,” though for different reasons. Republicans enjoy seeing their rival party in chaos. So do pro-lifers who are Republicans more loyal to their party than to...
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Picture Imperfect

  Is the pro-life movement doomed to lose the public relations battle? If so, it’s not because we don’t have the better argument—we do. It’s not because we don’t have great warriors, orators, and persuaders—we’ve got the best. It’s because so many of the intangibles that...
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Passive Fathers 1 Samuel 3:1-20

I declare to him that I am about to punish his house forever, for the iniquity that he knew, because his sons were blaspheming God, and he did not restrain them (1 Sam. 3:13). A word before beginning.  That the following reflection is about fathers does not ignore the vital role...
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The Abortionist Willie Parker, a Moral Man

  His becoming an abortionist, Willie Parker tells Rolling Stone, “was an assertion of my responsibility to pursue justice and human dignity.” I don’t doubt him. He is, by his lights, a moral man. Parker heads the board of Physicians for Reproductive Health and performs abortions...
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