Remembering Jack Willke

It was in the spring of 1979 when God jolted me out of my apathy and convicted me of the necessity to take a stand on the most controversial issue of the day—abortion. Then the only significant organized opposition to the growing numbers of abortions in America came from the...
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Great News! You can double your gift to the Review–But we need to hear from you by March 18!

Dear Friend of the Foundation, Just a month ago, managing editor Anne Conlon and I were marching down Constitution Avenue, amidst the throngs (hundreds of thousands strong) of smiling, singing, cheering young people participating in the March for Life 2015. We all enjoyed—for...
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Rest in Peace, Dr. John C. Willke, M.D.

Dr. John C. Willke, M.D., reposed quietly in the Lord on Friday, February 20. He was born in 1926, served in World War II, and then went to medical school.  Jack Willke was an obstetrician happily delivering babies and building his own family in Cincinnati when he became...
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The Polish press reports another instance of in vitro fertilization (IVF) gone amuck: a little girl born to a woman who subsequently discovered she was not her genetic mother. The child was born, apparently in August 2014, to a 30-year-old woman in Szczecin province along the...
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ObamaCare’s Next Act: King v. Burwell

King v. Burwell? Never heard of it?  You may soon. On March 4 the Supreme Court will hear the case. The question before the justices is: What did Congress really mean when it wrote the ObamaCare law? You know, the erroneously-named “Affordable Care Act” (ACA), aka ObamaCare.  The...
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Elections Have Consequences

Connie Marshner In the wake of the recent disappointment with Congress’ failure to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act—which would ban abortion at 20 weeks, the age at which it’s been determined an unborn child can feel pain—it’s nice to remember there’s a big...
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Universal Neo-Malthusianism, Ideological Colonization and the Pope’s Rabbits

Papal exchanges on long distance flights have certain reporters salivating. Ever since the Holy Father’s famous remark, “Who am I to judge?” (taken out of context), uttered in the summer of 2013 on the way back to Rome from World Youth Day in Rio, reporters have waited anxiously...
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Review contributor Hendershott debates abortion politics on Al Jazeera

“During Al Jazeera America’s Sunday night segment “The Week Ahead,” Richelle Carey spoke to Jill Filipovic, a senior political writer a; and to Anne Hendershott, director of the “Veritas Center” at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio.”...
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Why Everyone Should Be Terrified By The GOP’s Abortion Bill Debacle: (shared from The Federalist)

Mollie Hemmingway explains why “This level of incompetence and cowardice should alarm us all.”  And yet somehow the Republicans managed to make a disaster of passing the bill. Instead of passing the legislation and sending it to the Republican-controlled Senate, the...
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