Surrogates and Surrogate-conceived Children Speak Out

    Last week ABC’s Nightline aired a special on commercial surrogacy, prominently featuring the Center for Bioethics and Culture’s new documentary film, Breeders: A Subclass of Women? The documentary features a number of women who served as surrogates for other couples...
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Must Read: From Anne Hendershott— “The True Gift of The Giver”

“More than two decades ago—long before we all were transfixed by the rebelliousness demonstrated by Katniss Everdeen in the dystopian society presented in the Hunger Games, or Tris Prior in the dystopian Divergent—Newberry Medal-winning novelist, Lois Lowry published The...
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Unborn Child at Forty

Unborn Child is the title of an album boldly released in 1974 by the rock duo Seals and Crofts at the height of their popularity. Ever hear of it? Didn’t think so. Even if you were a pop music fan during the 1970’s you likely have no recollection of the album, or its title song,...
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in a recent interview with Katie Couric,[1]  attacked the majority decision in Hobby Lobby v. Burrwell. Among her logical non sequiturs, one particularly stands out: her claim that Hobby Lobby’s owners cannot “separate [themselves] from the obligations that...
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Pro Life Movement Loses Doris Gordon, Libertarians for Life Founder

Doris Gordon, the Jewish atheist pro-life activist who founded Libertarians for Life, died July 7, after a long illness. She was 86. A lifelong resident of Silver Spring, Maryland, Gordon is best known as an advocate for the unborn, although she spent years in the pro-choice...
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The Senate on July 16 failed to end a filibuster in its effort to fast-track passage of Senator Patty Murray et al.’s bill to overturn the Supreme Court’s June 30 Hobby Lobby ruling. By a vote of 56-43 (four short of the number required to invoke cloture), the bill failed. Every...
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Coming To Peace with Brain Death

This will be personal. Ten years ago, my best friend had a stroke. He lay unconscious on his bathroom floor for about 20 hours before anyone (me!) realized he wasn’t answering his phone. I called the police before dashing to his house. Officers were there when I arrived; Richard...
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Robert M. Patrick interview with Nat Hentoff, for the Human Life Foundation March 31, 2014

RMP:  Good Morning Mr. Hentoff, thank you for taking the time to talk about Jim McFadden and the Human Life Review. NH: Thank you for calling me. Yes, of course, I love the McFaddens. They are some of the most important people in my life. RMP:  As we discussed last week, the...
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A Hero for Our Times–a Documentary on Nat Hentoff

The Pleasures of Being Out of Step: Notes on the Life of Nat Hentoff premieres on Wednesday at the IFC Center in New York City. Read all about it here: SHOWTIMES: Wed, Jun 25 at: 11:10 AM, 3:00 PM, 6:05 PM, 8:00 PM, 10:10 PM Thu, Jun 26 at: 11:10 AM, 3:00 PM, 6:05 PM, 8:0...
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Jennifer Lahl on Breeders: A Subclass of Women?

Jennifer Lahl on Breeders: A Subclass of Women? Jennifer Lahl, Director and Executive Producer of the new documentary film Breeders: A  Subclass of Women? about the experience of women and surrogacy, is president and founder of the Center for Bioethics and Culture in Pleasant...
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