Read National Review’s interview with Anne Conlon here:
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Faith Abbott McFadden

  The Human Life Foundation mourns the passing of its beloved matriarch, Faith Abbott McFadden. Please join us in remembering her contributions to the pro-life cause and in celebrating her life.  
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Maria McFadden Maffucci in the news

Our Human Life Review Editor a “sandwich generation” pro-lifer? Read about it here:
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Maria McFadden Maffucci: Good Counsel Homes' Honoree for 2011

This is such an honor for me, first of all because I have long been in awe of Chris and Joan Bell: Their tireless witness to life in all the aspects of their lives, especially in their generosity towards children—in their own family, and to the countless babies whose lives they...
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Remarks by Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, Superior General, 10th Annual Gala of the Friends of the Sisters of Life, March 4, 2011

  Friends of the Sisters, and to their guests—on behalf of all the Sisters I welcome you all, and thank you for being a part of the family of the Sisters of Life. Let me add a special welcome to Mrs. Mary Ward, the sister of our Father & Founder, Cardinal O’Connor.This...
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the Review STORE

NEW: 40th anniversary T-Shirts!   Celebrate our 40th anniversary in style! This 100% cotton high-quality shirt, featuring original, commissioned cartoons by Nick Downes,  was sported by some at the March for Life this past January 22nd. Get yours today! Low price includes...
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The Debate Since Roe

  This is a book for anyone who has sat around the kitchen table (or the dorm room) defending human life while wishing he or she had greater command of the facts and arguments. Culled from the Human Life Review’s unique 35-year-record of anti-abortion advocacy, The Debate...
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William McGurn Quote

“Jim McFadden knew that a few good words could pack a big wallop. He founded the Human Life Review so that people who might think themselves isolated and overwhelmed would be encouraged to persevere and prevail. We cannot yet say we have prevailed, though we can say this: four...
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Ronald Reagan Quote

 “The great majority of the American people have not yet made their voices heard, and we cannot expect them to—any more than the public voice arose  against slavery—until the issue is clearly framed and presented. That is exactly what [the Human Life Review] has done so...
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Carol Crossed excerpt

 Like the suffrage newspapers, which I collect and display at the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum,  the HLR will provide primary resources for future historians and social scientists.     —Carol Crossed, President of Susan B Anthony Birthplace...
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