[Editor’s Note: This column originally appeared on on March 25, 2014. reprinted here with permission.] What a joy to find the New York Times editorial page staff on duty whenever a tough moral question arises, such as, “Can the U. S. government require business...
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Witnessing to Life in 2014

Witnessing to Life in 2014 [This is the text of the Keynote Talk for the Sacred Heart Major Seminarians’ 5th Annual Charity “Dinner for Life” for Rachel’s Vineyard on February 7, 2014, in Detroit. Mark S. Latkovic, S.T.D., is Professor of Moral Theology at Sacred Heart Major...
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Wendy Davis v. Greg Abbott

      Superceleb Wendy Davis—headed down the path to becoming Wendy Who?—won, as expected, the Texas Democratic primary for governor. She plans to base her campaign against Republican Greg Abbott on education, the economy, and jobs. As if Abbott were likely to let her off the...
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  The February 5, 2014 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) features an opinion piece by two bioethicists and a medical doctor vigorously defending a “brain death” definition of death against individual dissenters—such as the McMath family in California—in the name...
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Swiss Abortion Update

  On Sunday, February 9, the Swiss electorate voted on three referenda, one of which was the following: Do you accept the popular initiative “Paying for an abortion is a private matter—reduce the burden on health insurance by ending basic coverage for abortion?” The popular...
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A Sign of the Times

     The late Fr. Stanley L. Jaki once remarked that “it takes unusually strong guts to challenge that secularist and unabashedly anti-Catholic stronghold which is the New York Times.” His choice of the word “guts” is significant. The word “courage” is derived from the French...
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Eli Judice: An Inspiration

  Pro-choice critics of the multi-state push for 20-week abortion bans say such bans place an undue and onerous burden on women, because many serious and “lethal” fetal abnormalities are not discovered until ultrasounds performed at about the 20-week mark. According to the Alan...
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The Magic School Bus Author’s Abortion Propaganda

  My seven-year-old son and I were hunting for books in the children’s section of the local library when I noticed a text with the title Asking About Sex & Growing Up, subtitled A Question and Answer Book for Kids (2009 Revised Edition). When I saw the author’s name,...
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So, the New York Times tells us, Harry Reid’s “nuclear option” to change Senate rules and ban filibusters of judicial nominations[1] was driven by—surprise!—the desire of Senate Democrats to put radical pro-abortionists on the federal bench. Our self-proclaimed national “paper of...
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        “Culture of life” is a term Blessed John Paul II highlighted in his 1995 encyclical, Evangelium vitae. The Pope wanted to address the civilizational struggle afoot between the “culture of life” and the “culture of death,” the latter understood as...
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