Tuesday: A Virulently Anti-Life Movie

  “Tuesday” is the title of a recent indie film (still in theaters) and the name of its main character. The unusual name recalls the day that can seem empty—lacking the energy of Monday and the celebratory release of Friday—while silently pregnant with all the stressors of...
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Two Forgotten Historical Days and Their Redux

  Readers can quickly recall what happened in recent years on January 6 (2021), and October 7 (2023). But historically? Historically, these dates are also very significant—one for the United States, the other for Europe—but unfortunately not often remembered.  On January 6,...
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The AI Intervention

  When the Vatican announced last month that Pope Francis would be the first Roman pontiff to address the G7 Summit—a meeting of the world’s leading national economic powers—I considered it a unique opportunity for the voice of the Church to be heard in the hearts, minds,...
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Toby’s World

  I have a cousin who was born with a severe mental handicap and has been institutionalized since infancy. At the end of June, my cousin—let’s call him Toby—turned fifty. I don’t think any physician who examined him expected him to live to ten let alone all these years....
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Don’t Go Tell It on the Mountain

  “The Portal” is an art installation in a plaza next to the Flatiron Building in New York. It’s connected to another one in Dublin on O’Connell Street, the Irish capital’s main thoroughfare. Each one has a big round screen and a video camera so people in both cities can...
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Courage in the Court

    [Correction: An earlier version of this piece misidentified the imprisoned prolifers discussed in it as members of Operation Rescue. While they participated in what is referred to in the pro-life community as a “rescue,” they are not affiliated with that...
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Love and Everyday Valor

  Hollywood’s Golden Age is generally defined as the period between the advent of the “talkies” (with The Jazz Singer in 1927) and the early-to-mid 1960s, when the major studios were producing historical epics, hallucinogenic musicals, and other big-budget extravaganzas that...
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Equal—but Still Separate

  When I first learned about the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision in grade school it seemed to me to be eminently just. School segregation had been manifestly wrong, an affront to human dignity. Underlying the “separate but equal” paradigm that held...
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What Happened to the Trump I Hated?

  “We are going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it!” he bellowed in 2016, descending the elevators at Trump Plaza. Immediately, I hated him. Growing up in a feminist, leftist, pro-choice family, we all collectively agreed that “Trump means bad.” Even his own...
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Not Your Grandmother’s Abortion

  False advertising is nothing new. From hyperactive snake oil salesmen pitching toxic “health” tonics from the back of horse-drawn wagons to modern day “melt away the fat” diet scams on the internet, for as long as there has been something to sell, there have been deceitful...
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