Lessons From Virginia

Amidst all of the press concerning the proposed abortion bill in Virginia, there were two matters that grabbed my attention, each saying something important about our country. The first was the call by many prominent Democrats for Governor Ralph Northam’s resignation after a...
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A Modest Solution for the MAGA Problem

The Covington, Kentucky, high-school students who wore “Make America Great Again” caps at the recent March for Life in Washington may wish they had chosen different head-gear. Caps with pro-life slogans would have harmonized with the March’s goal, and they would not have...
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Photo Maggie Garred

HOT TOPIC: Great Press from our January 28th Event from Pavement Pieces

New York anti abortion  groups that once celebrated the state Republicans stalling pro-choice bills are now aiming to change their message. Maria McFadden Maffucci, President of Human Life Review, said  that there are several steps to take for anti abortion advocacy in New Yor...
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An Evening with Sarah

  The Human Life Review and Plough Publishing hosted “On Personhood: A Conversation with Sarah C. Williams” in Washington the day before this year’s March for Life. It was a most moving event. I originally began this blog with: “Sarah Williams is a former faculty member at...
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FROM THE ARCHIVES: Forty Years after Roe: Onward We March

   “No issue in U.S. history has produced such an impressive and sustained outpouring of citizens protesting a single evil (in both numbers and timespan, for instance, it dwarfs the media-favored anti-war demonstrations of yesteryear),” wrote James P. McFadden in the January 16,...
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HOT TOPIC: Robin Bush’s Legacy of Love (Newsmax)

  The bottom line is that life includes suffering, and all parents will suffer because of their children, to one degree or another. No one escapes that, it’s the flip side of the great love and joy parenthood brings. George and Barbara Bush were spared foreknowledge ...
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HOT TOPIC: Many Women in Sen. Gillibrand’s Children’s Book Were Against Abortion

Towards the close of “Bold and Brave” Gillibrand emotes about the January 2017 “pussy hat” Women’s March: It is “the march that Alice Paul dreamed up more than one hundred years ago.” Problem is, Alice Paul believed abortion was “the ultimate exploitation of...
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HOT TOPIC: We’re Not Laughing at Comedians’ Deranged Abortion Routines (Newsmax)

Hollywood stars Sarah Silverman, Michelle Wolf, Margaret Cho, and Amy Schumer have become rich and famous for their over-the-top, profane “comedy.” Since they gravitate toward anything perverse, to say their performances are “cringe-worthy” is being kind. This certainly best...
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Many thanks to all our advertisers. This year’s dinner journal features a wonderful tribute to our Founder J.P. McFadden! Complete Dinner Journal 2018
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