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From NRO’s The Corner: Ohio Passes “Heartbeat Bill”

Yesterday, the Ohio legislature passed a controversial “heartbeat bill” that would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat could be detected, which usually occurs around six weeks into a pregnancy. Even if Ohio governor John Kasich signs the bill, it is likely that it would be...
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HOT TOPIC: What Pope Francis Really Wrote (NRO the Corner)

  This morning, Pope Francis released a document indefinitely extending the power of priests to forgive the sin of abortion. The pope initially granted this power one year ago at the start of the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year of Mercy, which ended yesterday. Some outlets...
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HOT TOPIC: Not So Fast, Donald Trump! (USA TODAY article)

Can Donald Trump Undermine Abortion Rights?   WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump opposes abortion, but even he admits that overturning the Supreme Court’s 43-year-old decision in Roe v. Wade “has a long, long way to go.” After Trump nominates a...
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Human Life Foundation Contributes to ‘Long March for Life’—from the National Catholic Register

NEW YORK CITY — At the end of Respect Life Month, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York put the pro-life cause into perspective. “Being pro-life requires us to be heroes,” the Catholic shepherd told the Register at The Human Life Foundation’s 14th annual “Great Defender of Life”...
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Timothy Dolan at Human Life Foundation's Great defender of Life Dinner

Catholic New York Applauds Carl A. Anderson–and the Human Life Review

The Human Life Review‘s  2016 Great Defender of Life Dinner got some excellent press this week! Supreme Knight’s Pitch for Putting Our Values Into Politics
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Carl A. Anderson: Great Defender of Life Award Acceptance Speech

October 27, 2016, Union League Club, New York Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and my brother Knights of Columbus, it is an honor to be with you this evening to accept the Great Defender of Life Award.  Dorian and I first became active in the pro-life cause in the 1970s...
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October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Get Informed!

Maya Chung (Yahoo News) on Little Girl Tells World that Down Syndrome Isn’t “Scary” Nancy Flanders (Live Action News) on First Fashion Designer with Downs Featured at London Fashion Week Matthew Hennessey (National Review Online) on Medical Pros Are Wrong on Down’s Syndrome...
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HOT TOPIC: Jahi Breathing on her own? (from National Review)

Every time I write about Jahi’s case, there are angry reader responses insisting she is dead. I am not sure why people have such an emotional investment in Jahi’s demise, but if she isn’t dead, it is a matter of urgency that the truth come out. –Wesley Smith Read more at:...
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On Faith and Friendship: Remembering Faith Abbott McFadden (1931-2011)

  God blessed my life with the friendship of an extraordinary woman, Faith Abbott McFadden. Many readers of the Human Life Review remember Faith as a senior editor and the wife of HLR founder, James P. McFadden. She was also the mother of five, including the Review’s present...
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HOT TOPICS: House Panel Votes to Hold StemExpress in Contempt of Congress After Democrats Stage Walk-Out (The Blaze)

In a statement to TheBlaze, David Daleiden, the founder of Center for Medical Progress, said, “The House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel has already discovered probable cause that Planned Parenthood and StemExpress profited off of baby body parts...
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