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From CRISIS: John Grondelski’s “Suicide, Homicide, Verbicide … ‘Dignicide'”

Mercatornet, a pro-life blog about end-of-life issues, has just reported the latest doublespeak percolating among the anti-life crowd: “dignicide.” Read more here:  
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Remembering Jack Willke

It was in the spring of 1979 when God jolted me out of my apathy and convicted me of the necessity to take a stand on the most controversial issue of the day—abortion. Then the only significant organized opposition to the growing numbers of abortions in America came from the...
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What really happened in the GOP fight on Jan. 22? (From NRO)

The Quarrell that Blew Up the GOP Abortion Bill  
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Review contributor Hendershott debates abortion politics on Al Jazeera

“During Al Jazeera America’s Sunday night segment “The Week Ahead,” Richelle Carey spoke to Jill Filipovic, a senior political writer a cosmopolitan.com; and to Anne Hendershott, director of the “Veritas Center” at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio.”...
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Why Everyone Should Be Terrified By The GOP’s Abortion Bill Debacle: (shared from The Federalist)

Mollie Hemmingway explains why “This level of incompetence and cowardice should alarm us all.”  And yet somehow the Republicans managed to make a disaster of passing the bill. Instead of passing the legislation and sending it to the Republican-controlled Senate, the...
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GOP Leaders drop efforts to pass bill that would ban elective abortions at twenty weeks

From the Daily Signal: This is NOT the news we at HLR  were hoping for . . . http://dailysignal.com/2015/01/21/last-second-house-gop-leaders-ditch-effort-pass-bill-limiting-abortion/?utm_source=heritagefoundation “I prefer that we avoid these very contentious social issues,” Dent...
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40 Years of a Pro-Life Journal (from NCR)

Read all about the Human Life Review in the National Catholic Register!   The Review doesn’t run pieces solely about abortion. It has addressed withholding medical care, war and capital punishment, as well as sperm donation, freezing embryos, in vitro fertilization,...
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What Mario Cuomo Got Wrong (shared from The Week)

W. James Antle III shares his thoughts on the late Governor’s pro-choice-but-Catholic legacy.
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the Human Life Review sponsors SEEK15

[Laura McLaughlin is a student at Boston College and a member of the HLR team that manned the Human Life Foundation’s sponsorship booth at SEEK-2015, a conference in Nashville (Jan. 1-4) that attracted 9,500 participants, most of them college students.] Friday, January 2,  2015...
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