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Ruth Bader Ginsburg, in a recent interview with Katie Couric,[1]  attacked the majority decision in Hobby Lobby v. Burrwell. Among her logical non sequiturs, one particularly stands out: her claim that Hobby Lobby’s owners cannot “separate [themselves] from the obligations that...
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A Hero for Our Times–a Documentary on Nat Hentoff

The Pleasures of Being Out of Step: Notes on the Life of Nat Hentoff premieres on Wednesday at the IFC Center in New York City. Read all about it here: SHOWTIMES: Wed, Jun 25 at: 11:10 AM, 3:00 PM, 6:05 PM, 8:00 PM, 10:10 PM Thu, Jun 26 at: 11:10 AM, 3:00 PM, 6:05 PM, 8:0...
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Jennifer Lahl on Breeders: A Subclass of Women?

Jennifer Lahl on Breeders: A Subclass of Women? Jennifer Lahl, Director and Executive Producer of the new documentary film Breeders: A  Subclass of Women? about the experience of women and surrogacy, is president and founder of the Center for Bioethics and Culture in Pleasant...
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Obvious Child and Obvious Propaganda

  This month a new abortion comedy titled Obvious Child opens in theaters. Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it, abortion comedy? Okay, how about a comedy with a story about abortion? That may be even more accurate, because for this film, written and directed by...
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Message to Governor Bobby Jindal: Women are Mothers not Breeders

Message to Governor Bobby Jindal: Women are Mothers not Breeders On April 1 the Louisiana House passed H.B. 187, a gestational surrogacy bill that would provide a legal framework for women to enter into a contract in order to carry, deliver, and surrender a child at birth to an...
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National Organization for Women Defeated

National Organization for Women Defeated: Final Victory for Joe Scheidler in Federal Court The U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issued What Should be the Last Ruling for Pro-Life Action League’s Historic Three Decade Case Contact: Tom Ciesielka...
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Attention Students! Free Subscriptions!

Did you know that you can now get the Human Life Review for free? Just send us your name and a valid .edu e-mail address here:  That’s it! No obligation, no other information required. We want to get the Review into the hands of as many interested students as possible; and...
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Primer on Roe v. Wade

Current and Critical: a primer on Roe v. Wade, by Paul Benjamin Linton.  DOWNLOAD PDF HERE: Paul Benjamin Linton is an attorney in private practice who specializes in state and federal constitutional law. The author of many law review articles, he has also published the first...
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Rejoinder to Peter Steinfels

  Dear Peter, I hope that you will not take it amiss if I write this in a more informal style than we’ve been using, but my feeling is that now may be a good time to engage in direct dialogue. Wasn’t it something like that which you first proposed to Anne Conlon after reading my...
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