The Slide to Abortion

    Perhaps you know this Old Testament story (2 Samuel 11). King David, on his roof after a nap, spied a married woman, Bathsheba, bathing on her own roof below. Admiring her beauty, he sent for her and lay with her. Shortly afterward, Bathsheba sent the king word that...
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“You Don’t Owe Me Anything”

    I may flatter myself, but I like to think I’ve matured as a prolifer. and having learned some philosophy and theology,  I was pro-life out of moral principle. Now, however, I increasingly think that to be pro-life is to share in the extravagant love and mercy of God...
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The Path to Salvation

    The pro-life movement is ultimately about extending the protection of the law to unborn babies; those of all faiths, or none, contribute meaningfully to that humanitarian cause. But for Christians, our pro-life witness must be subsumed into Our Lord’s healing work...
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The End of Shame

  I was ashamed, and I was confounded, because I bore the disgrace of my youth (Jeremiah 31:19).   Recently, while reading Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, I came across this admonition, given by an old monk to a licentious and foolish father: “And above all do not be so...
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Resurrection Hope

I have a friend who has condemned herself for over 30 years for her abortion. Jesus’ resurrection means two things for her. Let me reflect on two resurrection Scriptures. First, Jesus came to forgive her sins. St. Paul writes that Jesus was raised because we have been justified...
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