Pride and Penance

  Last week, we celebrated the 248th anniversary of our nation’s Declaration of Independence, a bold act of defiance that ultimately, after eight long years of revolutionary war, resulted in Great Britain’s recognition of the sovereignty of the United States in the Treaty of...
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Time to End the Unjust Institution of Abortion

      Patriotism is a form of gratitude to God for the blessing of living in the land of our birth, or in the land that is our adopted home. We recognize that God has placed us in a particular place and calls us to contribute to the well-being of our society. This...
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NEWSworthy: Comedian Bill Maher: Abortion Is ‘Kind Of Murder,’ But ‘I’m Just OK With That’

  Comedian Bill Maher agrees with pro-lifers that abortion is murder, although he said he still supports it. “A lot of people think it’s murder. That’s why I don’t understand the 15-week thing, or Trump’s plan is, ‘Let’s leave it to the states.’...
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Letter from Prison

    On May 14, John Hinshaw was sentenced to 21 months in federal prison for participating in a rescue at a DC abortion clinic, in 2020. Below is his statement, sent through his family.   _________________________________   It is the middle of the night, which, we...
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The Good News of Life

  When Jesus says at his death, “It is finished” (also translated “It is accomplished”), he refers not only to his earthly ministry, but to the purpose for which man and woman were created: to love God and neighbor wholeheartedly for as long as we live. With Jesus’ victory...
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2024’s Prolife Marching Orders

  This year’s March for Life—the 50th—occurs Friday. Half a century ago, attorney Nellie Gray was convinced the first anniversary of Roe v. Wade could not go by unmarked by prolife protest. On a shoestring budget, a wing and a prayer, she assembled the first March January...
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White House Plans “Reproductive Freedoms Tour”

    The Biden-Harris White House plans to start the new year with a “Reproductive Freedoms Tour” to promote abortion. “Vice President Kamala Harris will embark on a nationwide reproductive freedoms tour to continue fighting back against extreme attacks throughout...
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Get Singing!

  The opening verse of Psalm 96 provides a fitting message as we begin the Year of the Lord 2024: “O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth!” To sing a new song is to give voice to a new tune and lyrics. Something not heard before will now be offered to...
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Christmas Sedition

    Christmas incites observers to contemplate the overthrow of the worldly order on behalf of the oppressed. The pro-life movement, in order to protect the unborn, sustains the seditious nature of Christmas and enlivens Christmas hope. Casting down the Mighty Sometime...
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As Society Devalues Children, Families Build a Culture of Life

  In a society that does not value kids, believing they are an inconvenience or bad for the planet, what we need is a culture of life. Panelists on “The View” earlier this month agreed that parents should only have one kid (even though only 3% of Americans agree with them)....
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