Toby’s World

  I have a cousin who was born with a severe mental handicap and has been institutionalized since infancy. At the end of June, my cousin—let’s call him Toby—turned fifty. I don’t think any physician who examined him expected him to live to ten let alone all these years....
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Why Suffering?

    A couple of years ago, a colleague shared with a few of us that her daughter was suffering from a likely terminal cancer. The child rallied and faltered, and we rode the waves with her family in our prayers. We cooed over photographs of her bald little nine-year-old...
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Thy Will Be Done

  The expression “he has the patience of a saint” is fitting praise for someone who puts up with difficulty, displaying noteworthy calm and grace when most of us succumb to exasperation and anger. In the way they live their lives, saintly people teach us that it is possible...
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