Our Joyless, Hopeless, World-weary Children

  Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, has joined 18-year-old Canadian Emma Lim and thousands of others in pledging not to have children until the government will ensure a safe future for them.  This is, of course, a glorious example of self-righteous...
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HOT TOPIC: Planned Parenthood Fights To Hide Evidence Of Selling Fetal Tissue In Daleiden Trial (The Federalist)

https://thefederalist.com/2019/10/04/planned-parenthood-fights-to-hide-evidence-of-selling-fetal-tissue-in-daleiden-trial/ Peter Breen, lead defense attorney, vice president, and senior counsel at the Thomas More Society said Planned Parenthood’s strategy from day one has been to...
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HOT TOPIC: GOP Lawmakers Introduce Dignity for Aborted Children Act (National Review)

https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/10/gop-lawmakers-introduce-dignity-for-aborted-children-act/ The Bill mandates that abortion providers obtain informed consent from any woman who undergoes an abortion procedure, giving her the choice either to take possession of the fetal...
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Welcoming the Unplanned Burden

  A few months ago, I stood in the back of church greeting worshipers after Mass. One woman—let’s call her Michelle—was squinting as if she intended to confront me, so I invited her to disclose her mind. She burst out, “How come you won’t preach about the movie Unplanned?...
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HOT TOPIC: The Trump Administration’s Pro-Life Policies Winning in the Courts

As America’s beacon of commerce, New York impacts the rest of America. Therefore it is worth noting that in spite of the Reproductive Health Act’s dark victory, efforts for further radical abortion expansion in New York and America are thankfully being stymied by the Trump...
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Our Bodies, Our Real Estate  

  Last January after Governor Cuomo signed the “reform” abortion bill allowing viable babies that survive abortion to be killed, he had the World Trade Center Freedom Tower lit up in pink, turning the skyscraper into a fey phallic symbol rising over our city to show how much...
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HOT TOPIC: (USA TODAY) Abortionist Ulrich Klopfer kept thousands of dead babies but inspires little curiosity

Read it and you may literally weep:   There’s something sick in America’s abortion industry. What else would account for a doctor who collected thousands of dead babies in some kind of twisted hobby that he hid from his allegedly unsuspecting wife? Two thousand two hundred...
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Is Protecting Human Life a Form of Hatred?

  Heather Mallick is a regular columnist for the Toronto Star. In a piece last spring titled “Will Alabama’s war on abortion come to Canada?” she encouraged women in Canada and the United States not to surrender their “right” to choose abortion, ignoring the salient point...
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A Celebration of Centenarians

Recently, the Italian Statistical Office (ISTAT) published data on the sizable number and relatively healthy status of centenarians living in Italy. With so much negative news concerning various aspects of world population—e.g., the decimation of the nuclear family, low birth...
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Why Consent Doesn’t Work

Sometimes we see the wisdom of a law by looking at what can happen when it is broken, or not enforced. For instance, traffic accidents occur because the boundaries we call laws are ignored. Shattered automobiles and shattered lives bear grim testimony to the wisdom of stop signs...
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