Human Life Review


Abortion activists and supporters—which is to say, most of the Democratic Party and the entirety of the liberal intelligentsia—like to frame abortion as a liberty issue. You know—choice; as with music and toothpaste. The Planned Parenthood imbroglio of recent weeks helps dispel...
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What I Saw at the Abortion: The doctor observed, the man saw.

I am a surgeon. Particularities of sick flesh is everyday news. Escaping blood, all the outpourings of disease—phlegm, pus, vomitus, even those occult meaty tumors that terrify—I see as blood, disease, phlegm, and so on. I touch them to destroy them. But I do not make symbols of...
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S. 1881 on the Fast Track—Senate to Vote on Defunding Planned Parenthood

  As early as Monday, the U.S. Senate could have a vote on defunding Planned Parenthood. For sure, the vote will occur before it leaves for its August recess later next week. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has “fast-tracked” the bill, S. 1881, and the official clock has...
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Political Update on the Human Capital Project

  Thanks to the First Amendment and the internet, the Center for Medical Progress’s Human Capital investigative journalism study of Planned Parenthood’s traffic in human body parts is getting the attention of the non-pro-life world. On Tuesday, July 28, there will be ...
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Should We “Harvest” Fetal Tissue?

Last summer, a medical ethicist received an unusual phone call from a woman whose father suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease. The woman presented the ethicist with a startling scenario. She had heard about a new experimental technique that used fetal brain tissue implants to...
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The Ethics of Fetal Implants

In September 1987, an operation took place at the La Raza Medical Center in Mexico City in which the tissue of a spontaneously-aborted fetus was transplanted into the brains of two patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease. The recipients, a fifty-year-old man and a...
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Keep Whistling, Cecile!

  Last week was one to remember. The Washington Post, defender of the left and of abortion in every case and circumstance, said it best: “Planned Parenthood, for being flip about aborted fetuses, you had the worst week in Washington.” It has long been known in the pro-life...
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Fatal Tissue: The Horror and the Lure

The history of the natural sciences has two themes, one, the formation of their foundations, and the other, an account of their effects on society. Everyone who follows the calling of a natural scientist experiences pleasure, when his work is done, in studying the unfolding of...
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Breaking News: Planned Parenthood’s Undercover Sale of Aborted Body Parts Exposed

Shocking Undercover Video Showing Planned Parenthood Earning Profits from Sale of Aborted Baby Parts Does this explain PP’s aversion to the 20-week ban? Better-developed baby organs for their profits? We’ll help you stay on top of this topic today . . .      
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