A Blessed Encyclical

More significant than the debates or documents of the Synod of Bishops that just concluded was the act with which it concluded. Yesterday at the Vatican, Pope Francis again declared in an official way the holiness of one of his predecessors: he beatified Pope Paul VI, the Pope...
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There’s Something About Jahi

Readers of the Human Life Review may recall my article on brain death, in which I explained why I believe that properly diagnosed, brain dead—e.g., total brain failure—is dead [http://humanlifereview.com/total-brain-failure-death/]. I still do. But recent events in the Jahi...
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Selling Abortion Door to Door

If, as the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, maybe the women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign should be pleased by Planned Parenthood’s new fundraising campaign. A story on the Bloomberg News website explains how the tactics developed in the fight...
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Jahi McMath: Awake–and Alive?

Wesley J. Smith explains http://www.nationalreview.com/human-exceptionalism/389564/ucla-neurologist-jahi-alive-awake-wesley-j-smith    
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Pro-life Millennials: The Polls vs the Facts

Poll numbers in recent years have been interpreted to suggest that the majority of Americans are pro-choice, or at least split fairly evenly along pro-life/pro-choice lines. The overall American attitude has certainly become more pro-life over the last generation, but numbers...
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Why Roe/Casey Is Still Unsettled

In his first public criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott v. Sanford in 1857, future U.S. Senate candidate Abraham Lincoln denied that the decision was “settled”: Judicial decisions have two uses—first, to absolutely determine the case decided, and secondly, to...
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Where Fathers Fit In

On May 18th my first book saw the light. It’s called Where Do I Fit In? A New Yorker in Never-never City (http://www.editorialconfluencias.com/que-pinto-yo-aqui/). I’m translating from Spanish. The book, published in the media and language of the country where I’ve lived for the...
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“What’s our society’s excuse?” Thoughts on The Giver

“We do know what murder is. We must become a society where killing the weak and the vulnerable is unthinkable. Jonas is the hero in this movie. He risks his own life not only to save baby Gabriel’s life but also to restore his world to what is true and human, with all...
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For Faith

When my mother died, I, who had been fairly stoic during the months of her final illness and hospice care, started wailing, shrieking really, uncontrollably. I couldn’t help it, even though as the big sister I felt guilty for calling attention to myself when my three siblings...
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Surrogates and Surrogate-conceived Children Speak Out

    Last week ABC’s Nightline aired a special on commercial surrogacy, prominently featuring the Center for Bioethics and Culture’s new documentary film, Breeders: A Subclass of Women? The documentary features a number of women who served as surrogates for other couples...
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