Message to Governor Bobby Jindal: Women are Mothers not Breeders

Message to Governor Bobby Jindal: Women are Mothers not Breeders On April 1 the Louisiana House passed H.B. 187, a gestational surrogacy bill that would provide a legal framework for women to enter into a contract in order to carry, deliver, and surrender a child at birth to an...
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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Issues Controversial Statement on the Family

It is customary for the Secretary-General of the United Nations to issue a statement every time there is a special day designated by the UN to honor or commemorate something or other. May 15th is chosen as the “International Day of Families.” Ban Ki-moon’s statement to mark this...
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FIVE DAYS AT MEMORIAL: LIFE AND DEATH IN A STORM-RAVAGED HOSPITAL by Sheri Fink, Reviewed by Rita Marker (Crown Publishers, 558 pp., 2013, $27.00)  The drugs were federally controlled substances, kept locked away and signed out when needed, their misuse subject to criminal...
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Talking to Non-Christian Prolifers

After Alexandra G. was raped at age 13, her mother opted not to take her to a doctor or a counselor, but to an abortion clinic. “She was a child of the ’60s, vehemently pro-choice,” said Alexandra of her mother. “She scheduled an abortion. I refused it.” The 13-year-old’s...
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Ernest: The impact of one life

This is the story of Ernest Trice, who entered my life in a way I can only ascribe to Divine Providence. I am a volunteer who visits elderly and disabled persons in nursing homes. Several years ago I asked a staff member at one of these homes if they had anyone who could use a...
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National Organization for Women Defeated

National Organization for Women Defeated: Final Victory for Joe Scheidler in Federal Court The U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issued What Should be the Last Ruling for Pro-Life Action League’s Historic Three Decade Case Contact: Tom Ciesielka...
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United Nations Debate on the ICPD Beyond 2014 and Human Progress and Sustainability

They came from every continent and many countries. There were more than 30 speakers with a very specific purpose: the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights, family planning, universal contraceptive use, and abortion. Shockingly, but perhaps not surprisingly,...
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[Editor’s Note: This column originally appeared on on March 25, 2014. reprinted here with permission.] What a joy to find the New York Times editorial page staff on duty whenever a tough moral question arises, such as, “Can the U. S. government require business...
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Witnessing to Life in 2014

Witnessing to Life in 2014 [This is the text of the Keynote Talk for the Sacred Heart Major Seminarians’ 5th Annual Charity “Dinner for Life” for Rachel’s Vineyard on February 7, 2014, in Detroit. Mark S. Latkovic, S.T.D., is Professor of Moral Theology at Sacred Heart Major...
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Wendy Davis v. Greg Abbott

      Superceleb Wendy Davis—headed down the path to becoming Wendy Who?—won, as expected, the Texas Democratic primary for governor. She plans to base her campaign against Republican Greg Abbott on education, the economy, and jobs. As if Abbott were likely to let her off the...
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