Harold O. J. Brown, Ph.D., was a long-time Human Life Review contributor, and a co-founder of the Christian Action Council, now operating as CareNet, which ministers to women with troubled pregnancies. Dr. Brown died on July 8, 2007. We are honored this year to have a special...
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Active and Passive Euthanasia

  Because of recent advances in medical technology, it is today possible to save or prolong the lives of many persons who in an earlier era would have quickly perished. Unhappily, however, it often is impossible to do so without committing the patient and his or her family...
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The Slide to Auschwitz

  In July the City Council of Cambridge, Massachusetts, voted to petition Harvard University to temporarily halt the construction of a half-million-dollar laboratory for specialized genetics research. This intervention of the town in the affairs of the University was not...
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What the Abortion Argument Is About

Malcolm Muggeridge was one of Britain’s best-known authors, a prolific writer whose articles and books have achieved international acclaim since the 1930’s, and was also a familiar British television personality. This article originally appeared in the London Sunday...
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