National Prayer Service

The Human Life Review is proud to be a co-sponsor of the National Prayer Service: the largest national, interdenominational prayer service in observance of 40 years since Roe vs. Wade. On Friday, January 25, 2013 from 8:30-10:30 a.m., this service will take place in Constitution...
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Keeping the Lights On

            Re the Nov. 6 mess: First thing to say is, can we avoid the sin of over-extrapolation? The journalistic, not to say human, tendency is to ride every political tide out to sea and back. Gee, if we’re here now, won’t we...
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Hijacking Immigration?

    The myth that human beings are “overpopulating” the earth, which has persisted for centuries, is rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of human activity, economics, and natural science. Numerous political elites have promulgated the overpopulation myth in pursuit...
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HLR in the news: Nat Hentoff

  Our 2005 Great Defender of Life Honoree’s timely, hard-hitting column for the Jewish World Review: read it here:  
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Good Samaritan for Life

In 2014, we will mark the 40th anniversary of J.P. McFadden’s founding of the Human Life Review. He was inspired by the story of the Good Samaritan. Our goal in the coming year is to boost our loyal subscriber base by 40%, to ensure that the Review continues to bring more...
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Stand Up for Religious Liberty Rally June 8th 2012

I am the president of the Human Life Foundation, a non-profit, non-sectarian organization in Manhattan, dedicated to the defense of human life, founded in 1974 in response to the Roe. v. Wade decision. Our quarterly journal, the Human Life Review, seeks to change hearts and...
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Spain: The Abortion Agenda

This article was originally published in our Spring 2010 issue. The author suggested that we post this article on our website, saying: “The new Government has announced a reform of the abortion law, but it is still unclear how it would be implemented. That is the reason why...
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Another Line Crossed

Buy this book! Paul Greenberg’s distinctive work has appeared in the Human Life Review since the early ’90s, after he became a convert to the pro-life cause. Mr. Greenberg, the longtime editorial-page editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, is a Pulitzer Prize winning syndicated...
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National Catholic Register editorial on March for Life 2012
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Maria McFadden Maffucci speaks to about Reagan’s Historic “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation”
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