HOT TOPIC: Is Transgender the New Anorexia? (The Federalist)

    The study itself is not actually about “gender dysphoria” as it has previously been defined in the scientific literature. Rather, it is about the newer phenomenon of “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD). Prior to about ten years ago, cases of gender dysphoria...
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When the Church is silent, we leave people in despair (When the Church is Silent, # 4 of 10)

  Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (Exod 20:8).   Have you ever wondered why Jesus healed so regularly on the Sabbath? Considering the danger He faced for so doing, why did Jesus seem to choose the Sabbath for healing? To understand, let’s briefly look at the Sabbath....
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Can We Want a Baby Too Much?

Even good things—perhaps especially good things—can be desired too much, or in the wrong way, or potentially so. Take babies, for instance. To be specific, take Rose, the baby daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Devotees of the Little House on the Prairie series of frontier books...
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When the Church is silent, we lie about God’s character (When the Church is Silent #3 of 10)

You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain (Exod 20:7).   “My walk is a public one. My business is in the world; and I must mix in the assemblies of men, or quit the post which Providence seems to...
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When the Church is silent, we forsake the worship of God (When the Church is Silent #2 of 10)

You shall have no other gods before me . . . You shall not make for yourself a carved image . . . You shall not bow down to them or serve them . . . (Exodus 20:3-6). The first commandment in the Decalogue concerns worship, forbidding the worship of anything apart from God alone....
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Sex Dolls and Pandemic Loneliness

  Casey Calvert is an adult-film actress in Los Angeles. She stars in pornographic movies which are shot at film studios, but half of her income, according to a recent BuzzFeed article, now comes from “personalized porn.” What is “personalized porn”? For anywhere from a...
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An Old Thomistic Joke

  Two followers of St. Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy walk into a bar to discuss the sad state of the world, trying to outdo one another in describing the greatest evils. They finally arrive at what seems like the worst person doing the most horrible deed, a Kermit Gosnell...
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When the Church is silent, we have forgotten who we are (When the Church is Silent #1 of 10)

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (Exod 20:2). The Lord constantly reminds His people of who He is. In the Old Testament, the Lord instituted the Passover as an annual reminder that He delivered Israel from slavery. In...
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HOT TOPIC: A Win for Life in Argentina!

VICTORY! Argentina Defeats Legislation to Allow Killing Babies in Abortions
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Rediscovering that Rare, Beautiful Thing: The Summer Argument

It was the perfect mid-summer headline: “Terror as Amusement Park Ride Unable to Stop.” Our worst nightmare is not strange aliens, nuclear annihilation, the bizarre, or the fantastical. It is that we are doomed to live in the small space of our own vision; condemned to remain...
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