Notes on Pro-Choice Disinformation 

  Pro-choicers claim that “science does not know when life begins.” The conceptus, they say, is “a parasite or a tumor,” or “a potential life, part of the woman’s body.” This is not true. The term “fertilized egg” is shorthand for a single-celled human being that has a sex...
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YouTube Can Help You Unbrainwash Pro-Choicers

  “The pro-lifer’s first obligation is to be informed.” Dr. and Mrs. Jack Willke, Abortion: Questions and Answers “It is not possible to brainwash a curious person with access  to the internet.” —Dennis Prager One day, a waitress named Bonny found a disheveled young woman...
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The Roe v. Wade Deception

Abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy, under all circumstances, in every state, and Americans are not allowed to vote on it. That is what the Supreme Court mandated when it handed down the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Furthermore, the Supreme Court justices...
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Psychiatrists Censor Pro-Life Speech

  Many mental-health providers where I live, in Westchester County, New York, censor speech about abortion in day programs, outpatient or inpatient therapy, group therapy, one-on-one therapy, social clubs and half-way houses. I have a mental illness. I also believe strongly...
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