An Issue Ignored in Dobbs

  On June 24, 2022, the United States Supreme Court, ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization,1 overturned its half-century-old Roe v. Wade decision,2 and the pro-life movement rejoiced. Remarkably, however, what the Court in Roe v. Wade had regarded as the...
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The Godzilla in the Room

  There was a major freak-out when shortly after the fall of Roe Senator Lindsay Graham proposed a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks. I myself thought it was poor timing and impolitic. The pro-life stance had been about states’ rights, and the sudden change in focus...
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Destined to Be Overturned

  Although Roe v. Wade and its companion case Doe v. Bolton survived almost 50 years, they were bound to be reversed someday after careful and honest scrutiny. Both cases began with falsehoods about the situations of Roe (Norma McCorvey) and Doe (Sandra Cano) asserted by the...
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Happy Birthday, Judge Buckley! 

  In honor of Judge James L. Buckley’s centennial birthday, today, we are reprinting here his speech when he accepted our Great Defender of Life Award,  in 2012.    Thank you all. I am deeply touched by the honor you are conferring on me tonight, but I am truly...
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Samuel Alito’s Prophetic Vision

In a few days, we’ll know if Samuel Alito’s leaked draft in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization will survive as the majority opinion and become the “law of the land.” Whatever happens, Alito’s draft will stand as one of the greatest and most courageous declarations by a...
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So What Does it Mean? The Legal Consequences of Dobbs

  We are fortunate to have Edward Mechmann’s deft analysis. Click here for a special preview of his outstanding article for the Human Life Review.
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You Don’t Say!

  Abortion serves men, because it allows them sex without responsibility, and always has. “You take care of it.” A Democratic administration is intent on enshrining it. Who says they don’t open doors for us anymore? Which is why the hands-off-my-body placards at...
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Fatherhood in a Post-Roe America

  Father’s Day is June 19. A decision by the Supreme Court regarding the fate of Roe v. Wade is likely any day now. The conjunction of these two events is important. It ought to initiate a national conversation about fathers and their unborn children. Roe is just the tip of...
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What Lies Ahead . . . Interview re Roe.

  Here is my recent interview on David Vaughan’s radio program, Encounter: Worldview Matters, broadcast from St. Louis. David Vaughan is a pastor, lecturer, community leader, editor, and author.  He pastors at the Liberty Christian Church in O’Fallon, Missouri,...
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Roe: The Arch-Problem of Modern Times

  . . . But say there hadn’t been a media leak from the vicinity of the U.S. Supreme Court, and say we didn’t know, or couldn’t intuit, how the Court means to rule this summer on Roe v. Wade’s constitutional sanctity, or lack of it. That would have meant . . . what, exactly,...
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